Yearly Data 2000
1. Divisions of
Administrative Areas and Natural Resources
1-1 Divisions of
Administrative Areas in China (End of 1999)
1-2 Natural Conditions
1-3 Natural Resources
1-4 Land
1-5 Main Mountain
1-6 Major Rivers
1-7 Drainage Area of
1-8 Inland Water Area
1-9 Sea Area and Areas
of Fishing Ground
1-10 Seashore Land
Area for Cultivation
1-11 Monthly Average
Temperature of Major Cities (1999)
1-12 Average Relative
Humidity of Major Cities (1999)
1-13 Monthly
Precipitation of Major Cities (1999)
1-14 Monthly Sunshine
Hours of Major Cities (1999)
A-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
2. General
2-1 Grassroots Units
in Various Sectors
2-2 Selected
Indicators on Average Daily Social and Economic Activities
2-3 Principal
Aggregate Indicators on National Economic
2-4 Structural
Indicators on National Economic and Social Development
2-5 Indicators on
Proportions and Efficiency in National Economic and Social Development
2-6 Per Capita Output of Major Industrial
and Agricultural Products
2-7 Natural Resources
in Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas
2-8 Administrative
Division and Population of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas (1999)
2-9 Geographic
Distribution of Minority Nationalities
2-10 Main Economic
Indicators of Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas
2-11 Growth Rates of
Main Economic Indicators in Minority Nationality Autonomous Areas
B-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
3. National Accounts
3-1 Gross Domestic
3-2 Composition of
Gross Domestic Product
3-3 Indies of Gross
Domestic Product
3-4 Indices of Gross
Domestic Product
3-5 Value-added of the
Tertiary Industry
3-6 Composition of
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-7 Indices of
Value-added of the Tertiary Industry
3-8 Gross Domestic
Product and Its Indices by Region
3-9 Gross Domestic
Product by Region (1999)
3-10 Structure of
Gross Domestic Product by Region (1999)
3-11 Gross Domestic
Product by Expenditure Approach
3-12 Structure of
Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
3-13 Gross Domestic
Product by Expenditure Approach by Region (1999)
3-14 Gross Capital
Formation and It's Composition by Region (1999)
3-15 Final Consumption
Expenditure and It's Composition by Region (1999)
3-16 Household
3-17 Intermediate Use
Part of 1997 Input-Output Table
3-18 Final Use Part
of 1997 Input-Output Table
3-19 Direct Input
Coefficient of Input-Output Table (1997)
3-20 Total Input
Coefficients of Input-Output Table (1997)
3-21 Flow of Funds
Table (Physical Transaction, 1997)
3-22 Flow of Funds
Table (Financial Transaction, 1997)
3-23 Balance of
Payments (1999)
C-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
4. Population
4-1 Population and Its
4-2 Birth Rate, Death
Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population
4-3 Total Population
and Birth Rate, Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate by Region (1999)
4-4 Basic Statistics
on National Population Census in 1953,1964,1982 and 1990 (Middle of Year)
4-5 Household,
Population and Sex Ratio by Region
4-6 Residence Status
of Population by Region and by
4-7 Age Composition
and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region
4-8 Illiterate and
Semi-Literate Population Aged 15 and Over by Sex and Region
4-9 Population by Sex,
Educational Level and Region
4-10 Marital Status of
Population by Sex and Region
4-11 Number and Size
of Family Households by Region
4-12 Live Births and
Surviving Children of Women Aged 15-49 by Region
D-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
5. Employment and Wages
5-1 Employment
5-2 Number of Employed
Persons at the Year-end by Type of Industry
5-3 Number of Employed
Persons at the Year-end by Type of Industry and Region (1999)
5-4 Number of Employed
Persons at the Year-end by Residence in Urban and Rural Areas
5-5 Number of Employed
Persons at the Year-end by Sector
5-6 Number of Staff
and Workers at the Year-end by Sector
5-7 Number of Staff
and Workers at the Year-end by Status of Registration and Sector in Detail
5-8 Number of Staff
and Workers in State-owned Units at the Year-end by Sector
5-9 Number of Staff
& Workers in Urban Collective-owned Units at the Year-end by Sector
5-10 Number of Staff
and Workers in Units of other Types of Ownership at the Year-end by Sector
5-11 Number of Female
Employed in Urban Units at the Year-end by Sector
5-12 Number of Female
Employed by Registration Status and Sector in Detail at the Year-end (1999)
5-13 Proportion of
Female Employed at the Year-end by Registration Status and Sector in Detail
5-15 Number of
Employed Persons in Urban Private Enterprises and Self-Employed Individuals
at the Year-end by Sector
5-16 Number of
Employed Persons in Private Enterprises at the Year-end by Region (1999)
5-17 Number of
Self-Employed Individuals at the Year-end by Region (1999)
5-18 Total Wages of
Staff and Workers and Related Index
5-19 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers by Sector
5-20 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers and Related Indices
5-21 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers by Sector in Detail (1999)
5-22 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers in Units of Other Types of Ownership by Sector
5-23 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers in State-owned Units by Sector
5-24 Average Wage of
Staff and Workers in Urban Collevtive-owned Units by Sector
5-25 Employed Persons
at the Year-end and Earnings in State-owned and Controlling Share Hold
Enterprises by Region (1999)
5-26 Basic Conditions
of Employment Services by Region (1999)
5-27 Situations in
Employment Services of Labor Departments by Region (End of 1999)
5-28 Composition of
Employed Persons by Educational Level and by Region
5-29 Composition of
Male Employed Persons by Educational Level and by Region
5-30 Composition of
Female Employed Persons by Educational Level and by Region
5-31 Composition of
Educational Level of Employed Persons by Age
5-32 Composition of
Educational Level of Urban Unemployed Persons by Age
5-33 Composition of
Urban Unemployed Persons by Reason of Unemployment and by Age
5-34 Composition of
Urban Unemployed Persons by Reason of Employment and by Educational Level
5-35 Educational Level
Composition of Urban Unemployed Persons by Unemployed Reason
E-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
6. Investment in Fixed Assets
6-1 Total Investment
in Fixed Assets
6-2 Total Investment
in Fixed Assets by Ownership
6-3 Total Investment
in Fixed Assets by Source of Finance and Use of Fund
6-4 Total Investment
in Fixed Assets by Ownership (1999)
6-5 Investment in
Fixed Assets of State-owned Units
6-6 Investment in
Capital Construction and Innovation
6-7 Investment in
Capital Construction by Source of Funds and Administrative Relationship
6-8 Investment in
Capital Construction by Use of Funds and Type of Construction
6-9 Investment in
Capital Construction by Type of Construction and by Sector (1999)
6-10 Investment in
Capital Construction by Sector
6-11 Number of Capital
Construction Projects by Project Size
6-12 Floor Space of
Buildings Through Capital Construction
6-13 Newly Increased
Fixed Assets through Capital Construction by Sector
6-14 Number of Capital
Construction Projects under Construction and Put into Use and Newly Increased
Fixed Assets by Region
6-15 Number of Capital
Construction Projects Under Construction and Put Into Use by Sector (1999)
6-16 Investment in
Capital Construction and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Sector (1999)
6-17 Newly Increased
Production Capacity Through Capital Construction
6-18 Investment in
Innovation by Source of Funds and Administrative Relationship
6-19 Investment in
Innovation by Use of Funds and Type of Construction
6-20 Investment in
Innovation in 1999 by Sector
6-20 Investment in
Innovation by Type of Construction and Sector (1999)
6-22 Newly Increased
Fixed Assets through Innovation by Sector
6-23 Number of
Innovation Projects Under Construction and Put into Use by Sector (1999)
6-24 Investment in
Innovation and Newly Increased Fixed Assets by Sector (1999)
6-25 Number of
Innovation Projects Under Construction and Put into Use and Newly Increased
Fixed Assets by Region
6-26 Number of Above
Quota Innovation Projects, Investment and Newly Increased Fixed by Region
6-27 Number of Above
Quota Innovation Projects Under Construction or Completed and Put into Use by
Sector (1999)
6-28 Newly Increased
Production Capacity Through Innovation
6-29 Investment in
Innovation by Purpose and Floor Space of Buildings
6-30 Investment in
Fixed Assets of Urban Collective-owned Units by Sector (1999)
6-31 Investment in
Fixed Assets of Urban Collective-Owned Units by Use of Funds and Floor Space
of Buildings by Region
6-32 Investment in
Fixed Assets of Urban Collective-owned Units by Sector and Region (1999)
6-33 Building Construction by Individuals
in Cities and Towns and in Industrial and Mining Areas
6-34 Individual
Investment in Fixed Assets and Building Construction in Rural Areas
6-35 Main Indicators
of Real Estate Development
6-36 Number of
Enterprises for Real Estate Development
6-37 Number of
Employed Persons in Enterprises for Real Estate Development
6-38 Land Development
and Purchase of Enterprises Real Estate Development by Region
6-39 General Scale of
and Actually Completed Investment in Real Estate Development by Region
6-40 Actually
Completed Investment of Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Region and
by Use
6-41 Source of Funds
of Enterprises for Real Estate Development
6-42 Floor Space of
Buildings and their Cost in Real Estate Development by Region
6-43 Floor Space
Started in Real Estate Development by Region and by Uses
6-44 Selling of
Commercial Houses
6-45 Floor Space of
Commercial Houses Actually Sold by Use and Region
6-46 Average Selling
Price of Commercial Houses by use and by Region
6-47 Asset Balance of
Enterprises for Real Estate Development by Region
6-48 Real Estate
Development and Management
F-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
7. Production and Consumption of
7-1 Total Production
of Energy and Its Composition
7-2 Total Consumption of Energy and Its
7-3 Overall Energy
7-4 Petroleum Balance
7-5 Coal Balance Sheet
7-6 Electricity
Balance Sheet
7-7 Elasticity Ratio
of Energy Production
7-8 Elasticity Ratio
of Energy Consumption
7-9 Consumption of
Total Energy and its Main Varieties by Sector (1998)
7-10 Efficiency of
Energy Conversion
7-11 Average Daily Energy Consumption by
7-12 Average Annual
Energy Consumption for Non-Production Purposes by Variety
7-13 Annual Average Per Capita Energy
Consumption for Non-Production Purpose
G-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
8. Government Finance
8-1 Total Government Revenue and
Expenditures and Their Increase Rate
8-2 Government Revenue
as Percentage to Gross Domestic Product
8-3 Government Revenue
by Source
8-4 Government Tax
8-5 Product Tax, Value-added Tax,
Operation Tax and Consumption Tax Revenue
8-6 Government Debts
8-7 Government
Expenditures by Accounting Item
8-8 Government Expenditure by Category of
8-9 Government Expenditure For Agriculture
8-10 Government
Expenditure on Scientific Research
8-11 Government Expenditure for Pensions
and Social Welfare
8-12 Government
Payment for the Principal and Interest of Debts
8-13 Total Revenue and Ratio of Central and
Local Governments
8-14 Total
Expenditures and Ratio of Central and Local Governments
8-15 Extra-budgetary
Revenue by Item
8-16 Extra-budgetary
Expenditures by Item
8-17 Government Expenditure for Price
8-18 Total Extra-budgetary Revenues and
Expenditures and Ratio of Central and Local Governments
8-19 Final Statement
of Government Revenue by Region (1999)
8-20 Final Statement
of Government Expenditure by Region (1999)
8-21 Balance of
Foreign Debts
8-22 Risk Indicators
on Foreign Debts
H-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
9. Price Indices
9-1 General Price
9-2 General Price
9-3 Consumer Price
Indices by Category (1999)
9-4 Retail Price
Indices by Category of Commodities (1999)
9-5 Consumer Price
Indices and Retail Price
9-6 Consumer Price
Indices by Category and by Region
9-7 Retail Price Indices by Category of
Commodities by Region
9-8 Retail Price
Indices by Category of Commodities by Region
9-9 Price Indices of
Agricultural Means of Production
9-11 Purchasing Price
Indices of Farm Products by Category of Commodities
9-12 Ex-Factory Price
Indices of Industrial Products by Sector
9-13 Ex-Factory Price
Indices of Industrial Products
9-14 Price Indices of
Investment in Fixed Assets by Region
I-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
10. People’s Livelihood
10-1 People's Material and Cultural Life
10-2 Savings Deposit
in Urban and Rural Areas (Year-end)
10-3 Per Capita Annual
Income of Urban and Rural Households and the Related Index
10-4 Basic Conditions
of Urban Households
10-5 Basic Conditions
of Urban Households (1999)
10-6 Per Capita Annual
Living Expenditure of Urban Households and its Composition (1999)
10-7 Per Capita Annual
Purchases of Major Commodities in Urban Households
10-8 Number of Major
Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at Year-end
10-9 Per Capita Annual
Purchases of Major Commodities of Urban Households by Level of Income (1999)
10-10 Number of
Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at Year-End by Level of
Income (1999)
10-11 Per Capita Annual Income in Urban
Residents by Source and by Region (1999)
10-12 Per Capita
Annual Living Expenditure of Urban Residents by Region (1999)
10-13 Number of Major
Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Urban Households at the Year-End by
Region (1999)
10-14 Basic Conditions
of Rural Households
10-15 Per Capita Annual Gross and Net Income
of Rural Households
10-16 Per Capita Net
Income of Rural Households by Region
10-17 Per Capita Net
Income of Rural Households by Source and by Region (1999)
10-18 Per Capita
Living Expenditure of Rural Households
10-19 Per Capita
Living Expenditure of Rural Households by Region (1999)
10-20 Per Capita
Living Expenditure in Cash of Rural Households by Region (1999)
10-21 Per Capita
Consumption of Major Food in Rural Households by Region (1999)
10-22 Per Capita
Consumption of Clothing in Rural Households by Region (1999)
10-23 Per Capita
Consumption of Major Consumer Goods in Rural Households
10-24 Number of
Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households at the Year-end
10-25 Number of
Durable Consumer Goods Owned Per 100 Rural Households by Region at the End of
10-26 Floor Space
Completed and Housing Conditions of Urban and Rural Residents
10-27 Housing
Conditions Of Rural Households
J-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
11. General Survey of Cities
11-1 Number of Cities
11-2 Main Social and
Economic Indicators of Open Coastal Cities and Cities in Special Economic
Zones (1999)
11-3 Main Social and
Economic Indicators of Provincial Capitals and Separate Planning Cities
11-4 Basic Statistics
on Urban Public Utilities
11-5 Basic Statistics
on Building Construction and Housing Condition in Cities by Region (1999)
11-6 Basic Statistics
on Tap Water Supply in Cities by Region (1999)
11-7 Basic Statistics
on Supply of Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas in Cities by Region
11-8 Basic Statistics
on Heating in Cities by Region (1999)
11-9 Basic Statistics on Municipal
Engineering in Cities by Region (1999)
11-10 Basic Statistics
on Buses, Trolley Buses and Taxis in Cities by Region (1999)
11-11 Basic Statistics
on Parks, Gardens and Green Areas in Cities by Region(1999)
11-12 Basic Statistics
on Urban Sanitation in Cities by Region(1999)
11-13 Level of Public
Facilities in Cities by Region(1999)
K-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
12. Agriculture
12-1 Basic Conditions
of Rural Grassroots Units and Agriculture
12-2 Output of
Farming, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
12-3 Basic Conditions
of Rural Grassroots Units
12-4 Rural Labor Force
by Sector (Year-end)
12-5 Cultivated Area
and Percentage to Total Area by Regions(1996)
12-6 Gross Output
Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery and Related Indices
12-7 Agricultural
Machinery And Machinery For Processing Farm Products at Year-end
12-8 Irrigated Area,
Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers, Number of Hydropower Stations and
Electricity Consumption in Rural Areas
12-29 Irrigation,
Reservoirs, Flood Prevention, Water and Soil Conservation and Improvement of
Saline-Alkaline Land
12-20 Water
Conservancy Facilities and Area with Flood Prevention Measures and Improved
Area of Saline-Alkaline Land by Region (1998)
12-11 Original Value
of Productive Fixed Assets Per Rural Household (End of Year)
12-12 Number of Major
Productive Fixed Assets Per 100 Rural Households (End of Year)
12-13 Per Capita Area
of Cultivated Land Managed by Rural Households by Region (1999)
12-14 Total Sown Areas
of Farm Crops
12-15 Yield of Major
Farm Crops
12-16 Yield of Major
Farm Crops Per Hectare
12-17 Output of Major
Forest Products
12-18 Number of
12-19 Output of
Livestock Products
12-20 Output of
Aquatic Products
12-21 Output of
Livestock, Poultry, Small Animals and Fishery Per Rural Household
12-22 Sales of
Livestock, Poultry, Small Animals and Fishery Per Rural Household
12-23 Output of Major
Agricultural Products in Comparison with Peak Year Prior to 1949
12-24 Areas Covered
and Affected by Natural Disaster
12-25 Basic Statistics
on State Farms
L-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
13. Industry
13-1 Number of Industrial Enterprises and
Gross Industrial Output Value by Ownership
13-2 Number of Staff and Workers in
Industry by Industrial Branch
13-3 Gross Industrial
Output Value
13-4 Indices of Gross Industrial Output
13-5 Number of All State-owned and
Non-state-owned above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises and their Gross
Output Value by Region (1999)
13-6 Main Indicators of All State-owned and
Non-state-owned above designed Size Industrial Enterprises (1999)
13-7 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of
All State-owned and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises by Industrial
Branch (1999)
13-8 Main Indicators of All State-owned and
Non-state-owned above Designated Size Industrial Enterprises by Region (1999)
13-9 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of
All State-owned and Non-state-owned above Designated Size Industrial
Enterprises by Region (1999)
13-10 Main Indicators of State-owned and
State Holding Majority Shares Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Branch
13-11 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of
State-owned and State Holding Shares Industrial Enterprises by Industrial
Branch (1999)
13-12 Main Indicators
of State-owned and State Holding Majority Shares Industrial Enterprises by
Region (1999)
13-13 Main Indicators
on Economic Benefit of State-owned and State Holding Majority Shares
Industrial Enterprises by Region(1999)
13-14 Main Indicators of Foreign-Funded
Enterprises by Industrial Branch (1999)
13-15 Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of
Foreign-funded Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Branch (1999)
13-16 Main Indicators of Foreign-funded
Industrial Enterprises by Region (1999)
13-17 Main Indicators
on Economics Benefit of Foreign-funded Industrial Enterprises by Region
13-18 Main Indicators of Large-scale and
Middle-scale Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Branch (1999)
13-19 Main Indicators
on Economic Benefit of Large-scale and Medium-scale Industrial Enterprises by
Industrial Branch (1999)
13-20 Main Indicators of Large-scale and
Medium-scale Industrial Enterprises by Region (1999)
13-21 Main Indicators on Economics Benefit
of Large-scale and Medium-scale Industrial Enterprises by Region (1999)
13-22 Output of Major
Industrial Products
13-23 Output of
Industrial Products
13-24 Production Capacity of Major
Industrial Products of Key Industry Enterprises (1998)
M-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
14. Construction
14-1 Main Indicators
on Construction Enterprises
Main Economic
Indicators on Construction Enterprises (1999)
14-3 Total Output Value of Construction in
Various Years by Region
14-4 Value-Added of
Construction in Various Years by Region
14-5 Total Pre-Tax
Profits of Construction Enterprises in Various Years by Region
14-6 Total Profits of
Construction Enterprises in Various Years by Region
14-7 Labor
Productivity of Construction Enterprises in Various Years by Region
14-8 Number of
Construction Enterprises by Resgistration Status and Region (1999)
14-9 Number of Staff
and Workers in Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region
14-10 Number and Power
of Machinery and Equipment Owned by Construction Enterprises by Region
14-11 Number and Power
of Machinery and Equipment of State-owned Construction Enterprises by Region
14-12 Total Output
Value of Construction by Region (1999)
14-13 Total Output
Value of Construction by Resgistration Status and Region (1999)
14-14 Total Output
Value of Construction by Branch and Region (1999)
14-15 Value-Added of
Construction by Region (1999)
14-16 Value Added of
Construction by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-17 Capitals Hold of
Construction Enterprises by Resgistration Status and Region (1999)
14-18 Assets of
Construction Enterprises by Region (1999)
14-19 Assets of
Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-20 Liabilities and
Creditors' Equity of Construction Enterprises by Region (1999)
14-21 Creditors'
Equity of Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-22 Liabilities of
Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-23 Total Income of
Construction Enterprises by Region (1999)
14-24 Total Income of
Construction by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-25 Total Pre-Tax
Profits of Construction Enterprises by Region (1999)
14-26 Tax of
Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and by Region (1999)
14-27 Total Profits of
Construction Enterprises by Registration Status and Region (1999)
14-28 Profits of
Project Settlement Accounts of Construction Enterprises by Registration
Status and Region (1999)
14-29 Labor
Productivity of Construction by Region (1999)
14-30 Construction Quality of Construction
Enterprises by Region
14-31 Construction
Quality of State-Owned Construction Enterprises by Region
14-32 Floor Space of
Building Construction by Region
14-33 Consumption of
Main Construction Materials of Construction Enterprises by Region (1999)
14-34 Number of
Prospecting and Designing Institutions and their Staff and Workers (1999)
N-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
15. Transportation,Postal and Telecommunications Services
15-1 Number of Staff
and Workers Engaged in Transportation, Post and Telecommunications by Region
(End of 1999)
15-2 Basic Conditions
of Transportation
15-3 Length of
Transportation Routes by Region (End of 1999)
15-4 Length of
Transportation Routes
15-5 Quality of
Transportation Routes
15-6 Passenger Traffic
15-8 Freight Traffic
15-9 Freight
15-10 Average Transport Distance of
15-11 Average
Transport Distance of Freight
15-12 Passenger
Traffic by Region (1999)
Passenger-kilometers by Region (1999)
15-14 Freight Traffic
by Region(1999)
15-15 Freight
Ton-kilometers by region (1999)
15-16 Basic Statistics
on National Railways in Operation
15-17 Number of
Railway Locomotives at the Year-end
15-18 Number of Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned
15-19 Fixed Assets of
Railway Transportation
15-20 Railway Freight
Traffic by Category of Cargo
15-21 Daily Average
Number of Freight Car Loadings
15-22 Average Static Load of Freight Cars
15-23 Passenger and
Freight Traffic of Principal Trunk Railways (1999)
15-24 Number of Passengers Dispatched from
Principal Railway Stations
15-25 Volume of
Freight Dispatched from Principal Railway Stations
15-26 Financial Indicators of Railway
15-27 Principal
Economic and Technical Indicators of Railway Transportation
15-28 Number of Civil
Motor Vehicles Owned
15-29 Number of
Private-owned Vehicles
15-30 Number of
Vehicles for Business Transportation
15-31 Number of Civil
Transport Vessels Owned by Region
15-32 Number of
Private-Owned Transport Vessels by Region
15-33 Volume of
Freight Handled in Major Coastal Ports by Type of Freight
15-34 Volume of
Freight Handled in Major Coastal Ports
15-35 Number of Berths
in Major Coastal Ports (End of 1999)
15-36 Number of Berths
In Major Ports of Inland Rivers (End of 1999)
15-37 Number of Civil
Aviation Routes and Civil Aircraft
15-38 Civil Aviation
Traffic and Flying Time of General Aviation
15-39 Length and
Traffic of Petroleum and Gas Pipelines (End of 1999)
15-40 Basic Conditions
of Post and Telecommunications Services
Telecommunications Services
15-42 Postal and Telecommunications Services
Facilities (Year-end)
Telecommunications Facilities (Year-End)
Telecommunications Facilities at the Year-end
15-45 Level of Postal
and Telecommunications Services
O-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
16. Domestic Trade
16-1 Basic Conditions
of Domestic Trade
16-2 Trade of
Consumable Markets in Urban and Rural Areas
16-3 Total Retail Sale
of Consumer Goods by Location of Retailers
16-4 Total Retail Sale
of Consumer Goods by Sector
16-5 Basic Conditions
of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale, Catering
Trades by Registration (1999)
16-6 Number of
Corporation Units above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale,
Catering Trades by Region (1999)
16-7 Number of Active
Units above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale, Catering Trades by
Region (1999)
16-8 Number of Persons
Engaged in Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale,
Catering Trades by Region (1999)
16-9 Total Purchases,
Sales and Inventory of Enterprise above Designated Size in Wholesale and
Retail Trade by Sector(1999)
16-10 Total Sales and
Inventory of Enterprise above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale
Trades by Region (1999)
16-11 Total Sales of Enterprises above
Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale by Category of Main Commodities
16-12 Total Sales Number of
Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade by
16-13 Catering Trade
16-14 Assets and Liability of Enterprises
above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale by Registration (1999)
16-15 Assets and
Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail by
Sector (1999)
16-16 Assets and
Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale
by Region (1999)
16-17 Assets and
Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trades by Region
16-18 Assets and
Liability of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Sale Trades by Region
16-19 Assets and Liability of Enterprises
above Designated Size in Catering Trades by Status of Registration and by
Sector (1999)
16-20 Assets and Liability of Enterprises
above Designated Size in Catering Trade by Region (1999)
16-21 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Sale
by Registration (1999)
16-22 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail by
16-23 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail by
Region (1999)
16-24 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trades by Region
16-25 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size
16-26 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Trades by Status
of Registration and by Sector (1999)
16-27 Main Financial
Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Catering Trade by Region
P-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
17. Foreign Trade and Economic
17-1 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
17-2 Average Exchange Rate of RMB Yuan
Against Main
17-3 Total Imports and Exports
17-4 Value of Exports by Category of Commodities (Customs
17-5 Value of Imports by Category of Commodities (Customs
17-6 Value of Imports
and Exports by Category of Commodities (Customs Statistics)
17-7 China's Foreign
Trade with Related Countries and Territories (Customs Statistics)
17-8 Main Export Commodities in Volume and
Value (Customs Statistics)
17-9 Main Import Commodities in Volume and
Value (Customs Statistics)
17-10 Import and Export Value by Location of
China's Foreign Trade Managing Units by Region
17-11 Import and
Export Value of Commodities by Places of Destination or Origin in China by
17-12 Value of Import
and Export Goods of Foreign-Funded Enterprises by Region
17-13 Utilization of Foreign Capital
17-14 Amount of
Utilization of Foreign Capital and Foreign Investment
17-15 Actually Used Foreign Direct and Other
Investment by Country or Territory
17-16 Actually Used Foreign Direct and Other
Investment by Region
17-17 Agreement of
Foreign Direct Investment by Sector
17-18 Actually Used Amount of Foreign Direct
Investment by Sector
17-19 Sector Distribution Registered of
Foreign-Funded Enterprises at the End of Year
17-20 Basic Indicators of Registered
Foreign-Funded Enterprises By Region at the End of Year
17-21 Economic
Cooperation with Foreign Countries or Territories
17-22 Turnover of Economic Cooperation with
Foreign Countries or Territories
Q-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
18. Tourism
18-1 Development of Tourism
18-2 Number of Travel
Agencies and Staff and Workers by Region (End of 1999)
18-3 Number of Tourist
Hotels by Ownership and Regions (End of 1999)
18-4 Number of Tourist
Hotels by Capacity and Regions (End of 1999)
18-5 Foreign Exchange
Earnings and It's Composition
18-6 Number of Foreign
Tourists by Sex, Age and Occupation
18-7 Number of Foreign
Tourists by Country
18-8 Foreign Exchange
Earnings and It's Composition by Region
18-9 Number of Foreign
Tourists by Region
18-10 Number of
International Tourists Received by Major Travel Services
18-11 Conditions of
Civil Tourism
R-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
19. Banking and Insurance
19-1 Number of Institutions and Persons
Engaged in Finance System (End of 1999)
19-2 Credit Funds Balance Sheet of
Financial Institutions (Sources of Funds)
19-3 Credit Funds Balance Sheet of Financial Institutions (Uses of Funds)
19-4 Cash Income of
Financial Institutions
19-5 Cash Expenditures
of Financial Institutions
19-6 Cash Statistics
of Financial Institutions
19-7 Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserves
19-8 Nominal Interest
Rates on Deposits of Financial Institutions
19-9 Nominal Interest
Rates on Loans of Financial Institutions
19-10 Insurance of
Domestic Securities (1998)
19-11 Summary for Number of Listed Companies
19-12 Issuing Summary
for Stocks
19-13 Trading Summary for Stocks
19-14 Economic and
Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies Funded with Chinese and Foreign
19-15 Number of
Institutions and Persons Engaged
S-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
20. Education, Science and
20-1 Basic Statistics on Education
20-2 Number of Postgraduates and Students
Studying Abroad
20-3 Student Enrollment in Institutions of
Higher Education by Field of Study
20-4 New Student Enrollment in Institutions
of Higher Education by Field of Study
20-5 Graduates of Institutions of Higher
Education by Field of Study
20-6 Number of
Full-Time Teachers by Field of Study in Regular Higher Educational
Institutions (1999)
20-7 Number of Students by Field of Study
in Specialized Secondary Schools (1999)
20-8 Full-Time Teachers in Specialized
Secondary Schools by Field of Study (1999)
20-9 Number of
Technical Schools, Students, Staff and Teachers
2-10 Statistics on Various Technical
Schools (1999)
20-11 Percentage of Graduates of Junior
Secondary Schools and Primary Schools Entering Higher Level Schools,
Percentage of School-Age Children Enrolled
20-12 Student Enrollment per 10 000
Population and Composition of Students Enrolled
20-13 Student-Teacher Ratio by Level of
20-14 Number of Female Students and Teachers
by Level of School
20-15 Student Enrollment in Adult Schools by
Level and Type (1999)
20-16 Number of Institutions of Higher
Education by Region and Type (1999)
20-17 Number of Teachers and Staff in
Institutions of Higher Education by Region (1999)
20-18 Number of Specialized Secondary
Schools by Region and Type (1999)
20-19 Number of Teachers and Staff in
Specialized Secondary Schools by Region (1999)
20-20 Enrollment of Institutions of Higher
Education and Specialized Secondary Schools by Region (1999)
20-21 Number of Regular Secondary Schools
and Student Enrollment by Urban and Rural Areas and by Region (1999)
20-22 Number of New Student Enrollment and
Graduates of Regular Secondary Schools by Urban and Rural Areas and Region
20-23 Number of Staff and Full-Time Teachers
in Regular Secondary Schools by Urban and Rural Areas, by Department and by
Region (1999)
20-24 Basic Statistics on Primary Schools by
Urban and Rural Areas and by Region (1999)
20-25 Number of Staff and Full-Time Teachers
in Primary Schools by Urban and Rural Areas, by Department and by Region
20-26 Basic Statistics on Vocational
Secondary Schools by Region (1999)
20-27 Basic Statistics on Kindergartens by
Region (1999)
20-28 Basic Statistics on Special Education
by Region (1999)
20-29 Enrolled Basic Statistics on Schools
for the Blind and Deaf-Mute by Region (1999)
20-30 Sources of Educational Funds and
Expenditures for Education by Region
20-31 Sources of Educational Funds and
Expenditures for Education in Various Schools(1998)
20-32 Basic Statistics on National
Scientific and Technological Activities
20-33 State-Owned Research and Development
Institutions and Information and Literature Institutions at and Above County
Level and Persons Engaged (1999)
20-34 Total Funds and Total Expenditures of
State-Owned Research and Development Institutions and Information and
Literature2034 Institutions
at and above County Level (1999)
20-35 Basic Statistics on Scientific and
Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology
20-36 Basic Statistics on Technical
Development of Large And Medium-Sized Industrial Enterprises
20-37 Basic Statistics on Higher Education
for Scientific and Technological Activities
20-38 Number of Scientific and Technical
Personnel in State-Owned Enterprises and Institutions
20-39 Transaction Value in Technical Market
by Region
20-40 Main Economic Indicators of High-Tech
Enterprises in Development Areas (1999)
20-41 Statistics on Projects Completed by
Surveying and Mapping Departments by Region (1999)
20-42 Statistics on Output of Surveying and
Mapping Materials by Region (1999)
20-43 Meteorological Observatories, Stations
and The Reception and Use of Satellite Cloud Images (1999)
20-44 Agro-Meteorological Observation
Stations and Forecast Observatories and Stations (1999)
20-45 Situation of Earthquake Monitoring
20-46 Results of Sampling Check on Product
Quality Under State Supervision
20-47 Quality of Products by Region (1999)
20-48 Results of Sampling Check on The
Quality of Products and Commodities under State Supervision (1999)
20-49 Three Types of Patent Applications
20-50 Three Types of Patent Applications
20-51 Three Types of
Patent Applications Examined and Granted by Region (1999)
20-52 Three Types of Patent Applications
Examined and Granted by Country (Territory) (1999)
20-53 Two Types of Patent Applications
Examined and Granted by International Patent Classifications and Utility
20-54 Number of Institutions and Personnel
in Culture, Art and Cultural Relics (1999)
20-55 Number of Institutions for Culture,
Art and Cultural Relics by Region (1999)
20-56 Basic Statistics on Performance of Art
Troupes (1999)
20-57 Income and Expenditures of Art Troupes
20-58 Basic Statistics on Activities and
Expenditures of Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers (1999)
20-59 Facilities, Services and Expenditures
of Public Libraries (1999)
20-60 Facilities, Services and Expenditures
of Museums and Cultural Relic Agencies (1999)
20-61 Film Production
20-62 Basic Statistics on Broadcasting and
Television Stations
20-63 Basic Statistics on Broadcasting and
Television (1999)
20-64 Basic Statistics on Broadcasting and
Television (1999)
20-65 Number of Institutions and Persons
Engaged in News and Publishing Undertakings by Region (1999)
20-66 Number of Books, Magazines and
Newspaper Publiseds in China
20-67 Composition of Books Published
in China (1999)
20-68 Number of Books Published for
Children and Textbooks by Region
20-69 Publication of Textbooks (1999)
20-70 Basic Statistics on Distribution and
Circulation of Books by Region (1999)
20-71 Net Sales of Books by Region (1999)
20-72 Publication of Video Products (1999)
20-73 Publication of Audio Products by
Region (1999)
20-74 Production of Designated Book Printing
Enterprises by Region (1999)
20-75 Key Financial Indicators of
State-designated Book Printing Enterprises by Region(1999)
T-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
21. Sports, Public Health, Social
Welfare and Others
21-1 Number of Staff and Workers in Sports
Commissions (1999)
21-2 Number of Athletes and Referees in
Grades by Type of Sports (1999)
21-3 Newly-Built Stadiums and Gymnasiums
21-4 World Records Chalked Up by Chinese
21-5 World Records Chalked Up by Chinese
Athletes by Event (1999)
21-6 World Championships Won by Chinese
21-7 World Championships Won by Chinese
Athletes by Item (1999)
21-8 National Records Chalked Up by Chinese
Athletes (1999)
21-9 Visits Between Chinese and Foreign
Sports Delegations
21-10 Activities of Mass Sports
21-11 Number of Health Institutions
21-12 Number of Persons Engaged in Health
21-13 Number of Beds in Health Institutions
21-14 Hospital Beds and Medical
Technical Personnel By City and County Areas
21-15 Average Number of Beds and Persons
Engaged Per Hospital
21-16 Number of Health Institutions, Beds
and Persons Engaged by Region (1999)
21-17 Number of Persons Engaged in Health
Institutions by Region(1999)
21-18 Persons Engaged in Health Care
Institutions by Type of Occupation
21-19 Number of Hospital Patients (1999)
21-20 Utilization of Hospital Beds at and
Above County Level
21-21 Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in
Urban Areas (1999)
21-22 Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in
Rural Areas (1999)
21-23 Incidence and Death from Infectious
Diseases (1999)
21-24 Number of Deputies to All the Previous
National People's Congresses
21-25 Number of Deputies to All the Previous
Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferences
21-26 Basic Statistics on Trade Unions
21-27 Basic Statistics on Lawyers,
Notarization and Mediation
21-28 Domestic Notarial Documents by Type
21-29 Foreign-Related Notarial
Documents by Type (1999)
21-30 Number of Civil Disputes Mediated by
21-31 Labour Disputes Accepted and Handled
by Labour Dispute Arbitration Committees (1999)
21-32 Criminal Cases Registered in Public
Security Organs
21-33 Offense Cases Against Public Order
Handled by Public Security Organs
21-34 Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents
21-35 Basic Statistics on Fires (1999)
21-36 Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents
by Region(1999)
21-37 Basic Statistics on Traffic Accidents
in 36 Major Cities(1999)
21-38 Basic Statistics on Fires by Region
21-39 Cases Under Direct Investigation by
Procurator's Offices(1999)
21-40 Arrests of Criminal Suspects and
Defendants Under Public Prosecution Approved by Procurator's Offices(1999)
21-41 Appeals Handled by Procurator's
21-42 First Trial Criminal Cases Accepted
and Settled by Courts(1999)
21-43 First Trial Cases by Courts
21-44 Juvenile Delinquency Among Criminal
21-45 First Trial Civil Cases Accepted and
Settled by Courts(1999)
21-46 First Trial Cases of Economic Disputes
Accepted and Settled by Courts(1999)
21-47 First Trial Administrative Cases
Accepted and Settled by Courts(1999)
21-48 Number of Social Welfare Institutions
and Enterprises and Persons Engaged
21-49 Basic Statistics on Social Welfare
Institutions (1999)
21-50 Basic Statistics on Social Welfare
Relief Funds
21-51 Persons Receiving Subsidies or Relief
21-52 Basic Statistics on Urban Welfare
Facilities and Rural Social Security Network (1999)
21-53 Pensions for Retired and Resigned
21-54 Basic Statistics on Social Welfare
21-55 Social Insurance and Welfare Funds for
Retired and Resigned Persons in Enterprises Units
21-56 Number of Retired and Resigned Persons
by Region at the Year-end (1999)
21-57 Number of
Marriages and Divorces
21-58 Number of Marriages and Divorces by
Region (1999)
21-59 Environmental
Protection Agencies and Persons Engaged by Region
21-60 Discharge and Treatment of Waste
Water, Waste Gas and Solid Wastes by Industry Enterprises at and Above County
21-61 Discharge and Treatment of Industrial
Waste Water by Region (1999)
21-62 Discharge and Treatment of Waste Water
by Branch of Industry (1999)
21-63 Emission and Treatment of Industrial
Waste Gas by Region (1999)
21-64 Emission and Treatment of Waste Gas by
Branch of Industry (1999)
21-65 Discharge, Treatment and Utilization
of Industrial Solid Wastes by Region (1999)
21-66 Production, Treatment and Utilization
of Industrial Solid Wastes by Branch of Industry (1999)
21-67 Pollution Accidents by Region (1999)
21-68 Discharge of Pollutants from Daily
Life by Region(1999)
21-69 Investment in Anti-Industrial
Pollution Projects(1999)
21-70 Basic Situation
of Natural Protection Work by Region (1998)
U-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
22. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
22-1 Summary of Key
22-02 Area of Hong
Kong by District Board /Council District
22-03 Land Useage
22-04 Main Indicators
of Population
22-05 Labour Force and
22-06 Number of
Employed Persons by Industry
22-07 Gross Domestic
22-08 Production-based
Gross Domestic Product①
Expenditure-based Gross Domestic Product ①
22-10 Hong Kong's
Balance of Payments Account
22-11 Electricity, Gas
and Water Consumption
22-12 Index of
Industrial Production
22-13 Private
Buildings Newly Completed by Type of Building
22-14 Private
Buildings with Consent to Commence Work by Type of Building
22-15 Number of
Permanent Quarters by Type (as at End March of the Year)
22-16 Domestic
Households by Tenure of Accommodation
22-17 Inward and
Outward Movements of Cargo
22-18 Container
Throughput by Main Cargo Handling Location
22-19 Communications
22-20 Total Imports
and Exports
22-21 Imports and
Exports by Supplier or Destination
22-22 Re-Exports by
Origin or Destination
22-23 Trade Involving
Outward Processing in the Mainland of China
22-24 by Major
Investor Country/Territory
22-25 Position and
Flow of Outward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
22-26 Government's
Reserve Balances (General Revenue Account and Funds)
22-27 Government
Revenue (General Revenue Account and Funds)
22-28 Government
Expenditure (General Revenue Account and Funds)
22-29 Exchange Rates
and the Effective Exchange Rate Indices
22-30 Money Supply
22-31 Value of Stock
Exchange Turnover, Market Capitalization and Index of Share Prices
22-32 Consumer Price
Indices (October 1994-September 1995=100)
22-33 Average
Bi-Weekly Household Expenditure by Commodity/Service Section by Quarterly
Expenditure Group
22-34 Educational
Attainment of Population Aged 15 and Above
22-35 Student
Enrolment by Type of Educational Institution
22-36 Expenditure on
22-37 Conditions of
Public Health
22-38 Social Security
V-Explanatory Notes on
Main Statistical Indicators
23. Main Social and Economic
Indicators of Macao Special Administrative Region
23-1 Principal
Statistical Indicators
23-2 Land Area of
Macao by Parish
23-3 Major Demographic
23-4 Active Population
and Unemployment
23-5 Employed
Population by Industry
23-6 Median Monthly
Employment Income
23-7 Gross Domestic
Product (Current Prices)
23-8 Gross Domestic
Product (Expenditure-based Estimates)①
23-9 Gross Domestic
Product(Production-Based Estimates)①
23-10 Structure of
Gross Domestic Product (Production-Based Estimates)①
23-11 Consumption of
Electricity, Fuels and Water
23-12 Units and Gross
Floor Area Completed by End-Use
23-13 Units and Gross
Floor Area Newly Commenced Work by End-Use
23-14 External Trade
by Mode of Transport
23-15 Container
23-16 Communications
23-17 Values of Major
Merchandise Trade
23-18 Values of
Imports and Exports by Major Country/Region
23-19 Government
23-20 Government
23-21 Money Supply
23-22 Exchange Rates
23-23 Consumer Price
Index(Excluding Rent)
23-24 Education Level
of Population Aged 14 and Over
23-25 Students by Type
of Educational Institutes①
23-26 Medical and
Health Conditions
23-27 Number of
Households by Tenure of Accommodation
23-28 Number of
Payments and Amounts Granted by Social Security Fund
24. X-Explanatory
Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
24. Main Social and Economic Indicators
of Taiwan Province
24-1 Main Indicators of Area and Population
24-2 Labor Force and Employment
24-3 Gross National Product
24-4 Expenditures on Gross Domestic Product
24-5 Gross Domestic Product by Kind of
Economic Activity
24-6 Index of Agricultural Production
24-7 Output of Major Crops
24-8 Index of Industrial Production
24-9 Output of Major Industrial Products
24-10 Production and Consumption of Energy
24-11 Floor Space of Authorized Construction
Projects by the Purpose
24-12 Railway and Highway Passenger and
Freight Traffic
24-13 Telecommunication Services
24-14 Total Imports and Exports
24-15 Origin of Imports and Destination of
24-16 Composition of Exports and Imports
24-17 Visitor Arrivals and International
24-18 Consumer Price Indices
24-19 Net Revenue of Treasury
24-20 Net Expenditures of Treasury
24-21 Government Bonds
24-22 Principal Financial Indicators
24-23 Transactions of Listed Stock
24-24 Net Enrollment Rate and Public
Expenditures for Education at Current Market Prices
24-25 Number of Scientists, Engineers and
Technicians and Expenditures for R & D
24-26 Medical Facilities and Health
24-27 Percent of Families Owning Household
25. A Comparison of Indicators of Economy
and Society among People’s Republic of China and Other Countries
25-1 Territory and Population
25-2 Vital Statistics (1998)
25-3 Employment
25-4 Gross Domestic Product and its Growth
25-5 Output of Major Agricultural Products
25-6 Changes in the Order of Precedence of
Output of Major Agricultural Products
25-7 Output of Major Industrial Products
25-8 Changes in the Order of Precedence of
Output of Major Industrial Products
25-9 Consumer Price Indices
25-10 Types of Revenue as Percentage of
Total Central Government Revenue
25-11 Types of Expenditure as Percentage of
Total Central Government Expenditure
25-12 Total Imports and Exports
25-13 Balance of Payments (1998)
25-14 International Reserves and Gold
Reserves (Year-end)
25-15 Exchange Rates (Mid-Point Rates in
25-16 Educational Attainment of Population
of 25 Years Old and Over
25-17 Public Expenditures on Education as
Percentage of GNP
25-18 Expenditures on Research and
Experimental Development