Official Release of Thematic Slogans of the Fourth United Nations World Data Forum
The Fourth United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF), organized by the United Nations and co-hosted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, will be held in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province this April. With 100 days left before the UNWDF, thematic slogans of the UNWDF were officially launched.
The World Data Forum is an international forum initiated by the United Nations, which aims to achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by bringing together data and statistical experts and users from governments, civil society, private sectors, international and regional agencies, academia bodies, etc. Since 2017, three times of the UN World Data Forum and one online virtual forum have taken place in Cape Town of South Africa, Dubai of United Arab Emirates, and Bern of Switzerland.
The UN and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced Call for Slogans on the UN web-page, the NBS website, the National Statistical Society of China website, Statistic Weixun We-chat official account, China Information News and its We-chat official account respectively from April 24 to June 10, 2022, for the UNWDF to be held. By the end of the Call, more than 700 submissions had been collected, including over 550 national submissions and 160 submissions collected via the UN web-page. After several rounds of expert sifting and evaluation, a total of six thematic slogans in both Chinese and English were selected, including one main slogan and five auxiliary slogans, which will be used for forum communication and publicity.
The main slogan of the forum is “Towards Data that Empowers Our World”. It embodies the relationship between human society and data as well as the great value of data resources. “Towards data” means to grasp the opportunities of fast development in the data era, deeply explore the value of data, and make full use of data resources; “Empowers Our World” indicates that the wide application of data will become the driving force and new engine to promote the development of intelligent society and sustainable development, so that data resources can better serve the development of global countries, and implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to create a better future.
The following key topics will be covered in the forum, namely, improve innovation and cooperation for better and more inclusive data; maximize the usage value of data for better decision-making; build trust and ethics in data; and grasp trends and seek new cooperation to develop the data ecosystem. The auxiliary slogans corresponding to the five thematic areas of the forum are “Maximize the Value of Data, Harness the Power of Innovation”, “Global Digitalization, Digital Globalization”, “Charting our Future through Data-driven Decision-making”, “Data, the Universal Language”, and “Better Data Ecosystem for More Sustainable Development”.