Project of Reorganization of the Chinese Industrial and Road Transport Statistics

国家统计局 2004-11-30 10:35 Print| Large| Medium| Small

Project of Reorganization of the Chinese Industrial

and Road Transport Statistics


Mr. Ren Caifang


Department of Industry and Transport Statistics

National Bureau of Statistics of China


I.  Background


In accordance with the arrangements between the Governments of the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany, the National Bureau of Statistics of China and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit  Gmbh (GTZ) started the discussion from 1995 on the cooperative project of reforming the Chinese industrial and transport statistics. With the agreement by both parties, the “Project of Reorganization of the Chinese Industrial and Road Transport Statistics” was jointly conducted from Mach 1996.


II. Executive Organizations


Chinese side: the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China;


German side: the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit Gmbh (GTZ) under the BMZ which was responsible for the project management and equipment purchase; while the Federal Statistics Office of Germany took the responsibility of the project implementation and specific activity arrangements.


III. Periods


1. It was determined in the First Agreement mutually signed that the project was

implemented within two–year-duration, from March 1996 to February 1998.


2. After the project evaluation of the First Phase, it was considered by both parties that the project was implemented satisfactorily and remarkable results were achieved and the second phase cooperation should be carried out continuously. Therefore, the Cooperative Agreement of the Second Phase was signed accordingly and it lasted from April 1998 to March 2001.


3. Since better results were obtained from the Second Phase, both parties agreed to extend the project to the end of August 2001.


4. After the accomplishment of the Second Phase activities, the project was continuously extended one more year from September 2001 to August 2002 and it was formally concluded by August 2002.


IV. Input 


1. First phase

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany made an input of 2 million DM to the project.

The Government of the People’s Republic of China provided totally 4 million DM.


2. Second Phase

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany: 3 million DM.

The Government of the People’s Republic of China: 6 million DM.


3.Extension Phase

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany: 800 thousand DM.

The Government of the People’s Republic of China: 2 million DM.


V. Objectives


The overall objective of the project is to reorganize the system of Chinese industry and transport statistics to make it adaptable to the needs of the economic system reform of China.


At various phases of the project, their results were reflected in different ways and they were listed as follows:

1.    The First Phase of the Project consisted of 8 parts

(1) Introduction to the monthly calculation of the production and turnover index;


(2) Introduction of the statisticians at the central and provincial levels to the concept of the added value;


(3) Creating and updating a company register;


(4) Introduction to the random sampling of products, turnover and employment in the

industrial and transport sectors;


(5) Adjusting the classification of activities to international standards;


(6) Providing statistical support for route planning;


(7) Introducing appropriate and timely procedures for handling of information regarding industrial and transport Statistics;


(8) Introducing effective procedures to identify and satisfy user needs.


2. The Second Phase was composed by 9 parts:

(1) Introduction to monthly or quarterly calculation of production index, stock index, turnover index, and order index for industry;

(2) Improvement of the compilation of price index of industrial products.

(3) Reforming industrial statistics so as to meet the requirements by SNA.

(4) Introduction to the random sampling of products, turnover and employment in the industrial sector;

(5)  Updating the business register for the industrial sector;

(6)  Updating the business register for the transport sector;

(7)  Providing statistical support for route planning;

(8)  Establishment and improvement of international comparisons for industry.

(9)  Introducing effective procedures to identify and satisfy user needs;


3.The Extension Phase

The concrete objective of the Extension Phase promoted the results across the nation, achieved both from the First Phase and the Second Phase and established the unified system of the industrial and road transport statistics in the whole nation. It contained 8 parts:

(1) Conducting monthly short-term business survey in 5000 large industrial enterprises and having trial compilation of the indices such as sales, stock, order and product export;

(2) Promoting results of pilot work of sample survey of small sized industrial enterprises in 30 provinces and municipalities of China;

(3)  Improving price statistical survey of industrial product and providing basic data of

price deflation in national accounts;

(4) Conducting a nation wide census on road situations and setting up fixed observation stations of car flow;

(5)  Improving methodologies of road passenger and freight traffics and direction,

and conducting quarterly survey of this topic in both key regions and roads;

(6) Establishing database on national road situations with road census data;

(7)  Improving method of calculating value added statistics with results of sample survey of passenger and freight traffic and direction;

(8)  Seminar on GTZ project results.


VI. Results

The Cooperative Project of the Industrial and Transport Statistics between China and Germany was established at the initial stage of the economic system reform in China. In line with the principle of market economy, the traditional statistical system was also encountering to be reformed for meeting the needs of the management of the market economy. With the assistance from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany and based on both German statistical experience and European Union experience, the reform of industrial and transport statistics in China was undertaken successfully.


Over the past five years since the project was carried out from 1996, we achieved the following remarkable results:

1. Broadening our thinking, we have had a clear understanding on how to conduct

the industrial statistics under the market economy;


2. Promoting the overall step of industrial statistical reform of China, and unceasingly adjusting and improving the problems occurred in the reform with the advanced technology and experience of German statistics.


3. Conducting training course for a batch of key statisticians (189 person-time attended training course in Germany) and follow-up trainings in wider range were conducted by these statisticians in China accordingly.


4. Promoting the trial calculation of the industrial production index and better results were obtained from the trial with the guidance and assistance from German experts.


5. Completing the converting table between the classification standard of the Chinese industrial sector and U.N. classification; and setting up the industrial statistical system, which can be both comparable and convertible with the international standards.


6. Improving the price statistics of the industrial products and primarily establishing the statistical method of national accounts with purchasing price and sales price of industrial products and the industrial production statistics.


7.Promoting the undertaking of sample surveys for the small sized industrial enterprise, and traffic and direction of road transportation.


8. Relying on German experience and method, the statistical system of monitoring the monthly industrial business was started for research and establishment, and it was implemented in 5000 on-line reporting enterprises.


9.Constructing the feedback system of the statistical user’s needs and the system of statistical information releasing and sharing.


VII. Evaluation


The expected results of the First Phase had all been realized and the results of the Second Phase were achieved as well by the end of the Phase (August 2001). The evaluation on the project implementation was as follows:

1.The periodical evaluations made by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the Federal Statistical Office of Germany;


2.The annual evaluation by the Ministry of Commerce of China and GTZ;


3.In December 2000, an independent evaluation organization invited by GTZ conducted evaluation conclusion;


4.The conclusion was obtained from the Chinese Statistical Cooperation Symposium, which was jointly held by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the International Monetary Fund in May 2000 in Beijing.