Other Information
Working Language for the Conference
English prevails at the conference as working language. And Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation is available at the following meeting rooms:
1 - Grand Ballroom on the 7th floor
2 - Pearl River Room on the 7th floor
3 - Yangtze River Hall on the 5th floor
4 - Huangpu River Hall on the 9th floor
Social Programme of the Conference
Lunches will be offered to all the participants free of charge during the three-day conference.
On the evening of 14 October 2008, an official banquet will be hosted by the Organizing Committee for all the interested participants and accompanying persons with a minor charge of 150 Yuan Renminbi each person.
On the evening of 15 October 2008, an official banquet will be provided by Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Statistics for all the participants and accompanying persons.
On the evening of 16 October 2008,Huangpu River Cruise will be organized for all interested participants and accompanying persons with a minor charge of 150 Yuan Renminbi each person. Dinner will be provided on the boats.
Hotel Information
The Conference Professional Organizer has booked a certain number of rooms for the participants in some hotels(motel 168 excluded) at a preferential price for the purpose of the conference.Participants are welcome to make reservation on the registration form. Requests will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to the number of rooms available.
l Accommodation Deposit
A deposit of one night's tariff per room is required to secure a hotel booking and must accompany the registration as per hotel policy. No accommodation booking will be accepted unless accompanied by a deposit. Delegates must settle the balance of their account with the hotel on checkout. Hotel booking confirmation will be sent upon receipt of appropriate hotel deposit in due time.
l Change of Booking
Any change to a reservation must be notified in writing to the PCO but not directly to the Hotel.
l Check-in Time
The standard check in time at hotels is 12:00 a.m. onwards. If a room is required prior to this time, the PCO should be advised. Hotels may otherwise charge an additional day's fee.
l Shuttle Bus
Shuttle buses will be provided from the hotels to Shanghai International Convention Center (Motel 168 excluded) during the conference.
Oriental Riverside Hotel
Address: 2727, Riverside Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai (200120)
Tel: 0086-21-5037 0000
Fax:0086-21-5037 0999
Website: http://www.shicc.net/english/
Number of Rooms reserved:50
Bao An Hotel
Address: 800 Dong Fang Road (W),Shanghai China.
Tel: 0086-21-5358 0766
Fax: 0086-21-5115 9865
Website: http://www.baoanhotel.com/eindex.htm
Number of Rooms reserved: 100
Zhong Dian Hotel
Address: 1029, Nan Quan Bei Lu, Pudong, Shanghai
Tel: 0086-21-5879 8798
Fax: 0086-21-5879 8929
Website: http://hotel.elong.com/hotel/hoteldetail?ouid=IlhKMnd5b3ZyejR2TmtyaXJNMDdzSzJwRnNaUDA5bDRWUHlEZ05xUFwvZHNjS0tJSXgrOG1ReFpPQldzbG5CU0U1UE5FSEpBY3hMSlwvdys2XC9FUEI3Q1dMS245WDFkTURwUEZqY2NpV3JYeDdSR1N2ajh1eW8zQksrc1Y0SkdZaVpmSWk2TUs5Rzc3dnhWaWNzWlZTZmpiUT09Ig%3D%3D&indate=2021-07-09&outdate=2021-07-10&newplace=6536&hotelId=30201086
Number of Rooms reserved: 100
Merrylin Hotel
Address: NO.818 ZhangYang Road Pudong, Shanghai
Tel: 0086-21-6161 2088
Fax: 0086-21-5187 7881
Website: http://www.merrylin.com/hotel_a.htm
Number of Rooms reserved:100
Motel 168
Address: NO. 365 Shangcheng Road Pudong new district, shanghai.
Tel: 0086-21-5179 3333
Fax: 0086-21-5179 3318
Website: http://www.motel168.com/
(Recommended only)
l Transportation From the Airport to the Hotels
The Conference Secretariat will arrange some staff at both Pudong Airport and Hongqiao Airport holding a board which states: IAOS Conference. The staff will tell the participants how to take a taxi or other transportation facilities. The time periods of the staff service are as follows:
12 October 2008 08:00-24:00
13 October 2008 08:00-24:00
From Pudong Airport to the hotel, the participant can take Maglev Train, taxis and shuttle bus while from Hongqiao Airport to the hotel, the participant can take taxi and shuttle bus. The participant can get specific guidance from the secretariat staff at the airport.
Bilingual Marks Showing to the Taxi Driver
Please drive me to Oriental Riverside Hotel. Thank you!
请送我到东方滨江大酒店, 谢谢!
Please drive me to BaoAn Hotel. Thank you!
请送我到宝安大酒店, 谢谢!
Please drive me to ZhongDian Hotel. Thank you!
请送我到中电大酒店, 谢谢!
Please drive me to Merrylin Hotel. Thank you!
请送我到上海长航美林阁大酒店, 谢谢!
Please drive me to Motel 168 (shangcheng road) Thank you!
The tours arrangements below will offer you an opportunity to appreciate Chinese culture, ancient civilization, people's daily life and traditions. To ensure participation, it is recommended to make reservation through filling up the Tour Reservation Form and make payment before the deadline of September 10, 2008.
The tour operation and fee collection will be performed by China International Conference Center for Science and Technology (CICCST). If there are any questions about tours, please email them to:tour@iaos2008conf.cn
Tour Note:
1. Local tours fee includes air-conditioning coach, English-speaking tour guide, admission fees and Chinese lunch.
2. Post-conference tours fee includes inter-city transportation, regular meals, hotel (three-star or above) accommodation, admission fees and English-speaking tour guide.
3. The whole prices do not include incidental expenses and medical treatment costs. CICCST shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of properties.
4. Tourists are advised to arrange their continuing flights from the tour end city by themselves. When required, CICCST will provide assistance.
5. CICCST will reserve the right to raise the prices. CICCST will cancel any of the tour routes if applicant tourists are fewer than 10 persons. In that case, the notification will be sent to the attendees as soon as possible and the tour fee will be fully refunded.
6. A prepayment of CNY1400/person as a deposit shall be made before September 10, 2008 by those who reserve the post-conference tours.
7. Reservation for the local tours cannot be cancelled after the payment, but it is possible to switch the tour date or tour routes by September 25, 2008.
Download the tour reservation form, complete and email it to:tour@iaos2008conf.cn. For payment via credit card, Please fill in Payment Authorization Form.
Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS)
The Standing Committee on Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) is a Standing Committee of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) which is one of the seven Sections of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
The ISI is one of the oldest international scientific associations functioning in the modern world and it was formally established in 1885. The Institute is an autonomous society, which seeks to develop and improve statistical methods and their application through the promotion of international activity and co-operation. The ISI is composed of more than 2 000 individual elected members who are internationally recognised as the definitive leaders in the field of statistics. Its membership crosses all borders, representing more than 133 countries worldwide. This reservoir of expertise is supplemented by approximately 3 000 additional individual members of the Institute’s seven specialised Sections.
The IAOS is founded in 1985 with the objectives to promote the understanding and advancement of official statistics and to foster the development of effective and efficient official statistical services on a global basis by promoting international contacts among individuals and organisations, including users of official statistics, as well as research institutions.
SCORUS’s mission is to stimulate and organise a worldwide dialogue on urban and regional research and statistics and to promote in-depth statistical analyses with the aim to contribute to progress in this field and to improve the understanding of urban and regional phenomena as well as the comparability of concepts and results. SCORUS aims to enhance the knowledge created for urban and regional policy.
The SCORUS is managed by the SCORUS Management. The SCORUS Management mainly comprises a Chairperson; Vice Chairperson; Secretary; and Treasurer, who are all appointed by IAOS for a period of two years at the biennial ISI conferences. The main office holders for the 2007-2009 session are:
Chairperson : Dominic Leung (Hong Kong, China)±
Vice Chairperson : Dev Virdee (UK)±
Secretary : Wendy Thomas (USA)±
Treasurer : Leila Lankinen (Finland)±
26th biennial conference in Shanghai
SCORUS holds biennial conference which provides a forum for statisticians, planners and researchers interested in improving the knowledge about cities and regions, addressing the international comparability of statistical data, and developing international standards for urban and regional indicators.
The IAOS is organising its biennial conference this year in Shanghai, China from 14 to 16 October 2008. An integral part of the conference is the 26th biennial conference of the SCORUS.
The main theme of the IAOS conference is “Smart Data, Innovative Uses - Reshaping Official Statistics”. A series of plenary sessions and parallel sessions will be organised. SCORUS will be organising six sessions with SCORUS-focused themes covering:
1. Measuring well-being in regions and cities
2. Growing demand for regional and urban statistics
3. Results of recent regional and urban analysis
4. Geographical information system and regional reference system
5. New approaches to using regional and urban data for policy evaluation
6. Application of urban and regional statistics in Asian cities.
SCORUS General Assembly
Shanghai, Thursday, 16/10/2008
The General Assembly of SCORUS is scheduled to be held in the afternoon of 16 October 2008 (Thursday) immediately after the close of the joint IAOS/SCORUS conference in Shanghai. All SCORUS members as well as those interested in the work of SCORUS are welcome to attend. The agenda for the General Assembly is given below.
Provisional Agenda:
1. Opening: Introduction and Apologies
2. Adoption of agenda
3. Appointment of secretary to take minutes
4. Chairperson’s Report including: (Derek Berthold)
a) ISI activities
b) IAOS activities
c) Scorusnet.com
d) Review of the SCORUS IPMs in 2007 ISI Session in Lisbon
e) Review of 2007 SCORUS Regional Meeting in Darmstadt
5. Statistical Journ al of the IAOS
6. SCORUS involvement in 2009 ISI Session in Durban
7. Future SCORUS conferences/workshops: (Petra Teodora)
a)2010 SCORUS conference in Riga
b)2010 SCORUS satellite meeting in Galway
8. SCORUS involvement in 2011 ISI Session in Dublin (Dev)
9. Report of SCORUS Regional Group for Europe (Berthold)
10. Formation of SCORUS Regional Group for Asia (Langhui)
11. Search Committee for 2009-2011 Committee (Klaus/Fred)
12. Date of next SCORUS Committee Meeting
13. Any other business
Simultaneous interpretation facilities
The IAOS conference will be conducted in English with all papers required to be submitted in English as well. However, simultaneous interpretation will be available for all the plenary sessions, most of the parallel sessions (including, in particular, all the SCORUS-focused sessions) and the SCORUS General Assembly. Participants can choose to speak in either English or Putonghua in such sessions.
Further information about SCORUS
Further information about SCORUS, including its past conferences, is available in its website at http://isi.cbs.nl/IAOS/index.htm.
Sideline activities
The International Forum on Metropolitan Statistics is being organised by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics in Beijing from 19 to 21 October 2008, which is an international meeting back to back with the joint IAOS/SCORUS Conference to take place in Shanghai during 14-16 October 2008. Participation of the Forum is by invitation. The main theme of the Forum is “Development of a metropolis and its statistical service”.
Information about this Forum is continually being uploaded onto the website athttp://www.bjstats.gov.cn/ddsgjtjlt/english .
About Shanghai
Shanghai is China's most comprehensive industrial and commercial city in China which lies in the middle of China's east coastline.
l Climate
Weather in October is cooling, ranging between 18.6℃ to 23.5℃ (65.5℉ to 74.3℉).
l Time Zone
GMT + 8 hours, same as Singapore. The whole of China, including Hong Kong, is set to Beijing time.
l Transportation
The public bus system is quite extensive, but the signs at bus stops are usually only labeled in Chinese. If you know Chinese or can get somebody to help you pick your route, the bus can be more convenient than the subway and cheaper than a cab.
The subway is a great, reliable way to get around Shanghai. It is cheap (from 3 – 7RMB), quick, clean, and pretty easy to navigate. There are maps near the ticket booths that tell you your fare in English, making it easy to simply hand over the exact change to the ticket seller (therefore comfortably avoiding language barriers). The automated machines next to the booths are also user friendly and in English. Just select the line and then choose the station. The machines accept notes and coins.
The base fare for every taxi in Shanghai is 11RMB. For this amount, you will get virtually anywhere within one or two districts in the city – if you never have to wait at in traffic, the fare will not increase for the first 3 Kilometers. However, the stand-still time will affect the fare, so if you are stuck in traffic the fare will still increase faster than 3K. The base fare rises to 14RMB after 11pm.
l Currency
Currency can be exchanged at airports, and at most hotels and banks. In addition, ATM machines are also commonly available. Chinese currency, the RenMinBi (RMB) is at present non-exchangeable outside of the country. However, if the exchange slip is retained, RMB can be exchanged back into other currencies before departure.
l Credit cards
Credit cards like Master card and Visa card are accepted in most of the hotels booking, markets in Shanghai, although it is still more popular to use cash nowadays.
l Shopping Hours
Shops are usually open from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. everyday.
l Telephone Numbers for Urgency
police: 110
fire: 119
ambulance: 120
l Attractions
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is the modern symbol of Shanghai City. Standing beside the Huangpu River with a height of 468 meters (1536 feet), it is the tallest TV tower in Asia and the third highest in the world. This unusual structure that dominates the skyline is a great attraction to tourists.
Nanjing Road is considered to be the "No. 1 commercial street in China". Here along its 5.5 kilometers (3.4 miles), you will find over 600 shops that on average are visited by some 1.7 million people each day. If you like shopping, do not miss it!
Yuyuan Garden is the largest of Shanghai's ancient gardens with architectural styles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The garden has six areas, each with its own style. The Grand Rockery, in the center of the Garden, is the most renowned sight here.
Shanghai Museum is a veritable treasure house of ancient Chinese art and houses 120,000 precious relics. Bronzes, pottery, paintings and calligraphies are distinctive features of the Museum's collection. Seen from above, the Museum resembles a large bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty (206BC -220). From the distance, it looks like a bronze Ding, an ancient cooking vessel that contains so many mementos of the 5,000-year-old history of Chinese civilization.
Another sight not to be missed is the Bund. Situated on the east bank of the Huangpu River , here, one can enjoy the bracing air and fine sunshine as well as seeing something of the many activities along the river. The new finance and commercial houses cluster together along the south of the Bund while along the west there is a wealth of grand buildings in the European architectural styles of the nineteen-twenties, thirties and early forties.
l Night Life
The scenery at night has to be seen in Shanghai and the Bund is a must. The ornate classical and modern buildings take on a new and exciting look as they are lit up by an abundance of colored lights. Looking across the Huangpu River to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Jinmao Tower is a magical sight. A night-time Huangpu River cruise presents a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the night life on the Bund.
Leaving the scenery aside, walking westward along Nanjing East Road, you will quickly reach the famous Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, the gaily illuminated shops are an exciting backdrop to the cheerful crowds that come here after dark to enjoy the carefree atmosphere, where it is possible to pick up a bargain or enjoy a tasty morsel to eat.
Shanghai Xin Tian Di has many visitors. If you are visiting Shanghai for the first time, it is much safer to go Xin Tian Di for the night life. Xin Tian Di, the most fashionable area cultivated in the distinctive Shikumen Buildings, the architectural styles of both west and east from the 1920s and 1930s Shanghai around South Huangpi Road and Xingye Road, has become the popular place to go. Every building has a modern interior and has become an international gallery, fashion shop, themed restaurant, coffee house or bar. Bars are where young white collars discuss their work or talk about life; even hard questions on the desk get solved here! Open-air bars are popular here also. Xin Tian Di offers the most choice and favorable appreciation. The arrival of more and more boutiques, designer shops and luxury goods stores continually adds to the enjoyment of Xin Tian Di.
Shanghai's first bars were opened in Hengshan Road, and they remain more popular than those elsewhere. Close to Xujiahui Commercial Circle, Hengshan Road is situated in a convenient situation. Here there are bars in great numbers, side by side and in which you can take tea or coffee. A wide variety of bars ranging from the brash to more intimate and quiet abound to suit your every mood. Thus, Hengshan Road at night can be one of the most bustling places in Shanghai.
Maoming South Road is where the foreign guests like to stay. The old but noted bars like Judystoo are still popular with visitors. Newly-opened Babyface's business is booming. The Colors and Face clubs inside the Ruijin Hotel in the street add their own touch of splendor to this road. Babyface is a lounge bar and often full of people as it is where young people like to congregate.
Fuxing Park has three clubs inside, including Park97, Guandi and Cash Box. Park97 is where veterans spend their nights through. Three popular food and entertainment grounds, Baci Restaurant of Italian cuisine, Tokio Joe Restaurant with its Japanese cuisine and the California Club from Hong Kong Lan Kwai Fong make up Park97. Compared with that in Xin Tian Di, nightlife here is not that showy but exudes an everlasting glamour. With elegance, exoticism, top-rank wine and music, Park97 has its special charm. Guandi, the most noted club here, is the first superior club opened in China after Taibei's. Cash Box (Qian Gui) as Shanghai's oldest, most renowned KTV has the largest scale. The branch in Fuxing Park is the best of all in Shanghai.
l Dining Information
Shanghai Cuisine, also known as Hu Cai, includes two categories - Benbang Cuisine and Haipai Cuisine.
Benbang Cuisine, literally meaning 'local cuisine', is the traditional family style cuisine that appeared in Shanghai over 100 years ago. Using fresh fish, chicken, pork, and various vegetables as the main ingredients, Benbang Cuisine always has a great flavor and a bright color derived from the oil and soybean sauce. Like the dishes of Suzhou and Wuxi cuisines, Shanghai Benbang dishes taste fresh, mellow and sweet.
Haipai Cuisine,literally meaning 'all-embracing cuisine' is derived from the cosmopolitan culture formed in Shanghai in the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It absorbs the advantages of many cuisines from other regions of China and even western cuisines, and then adapts them to suit local tastes. Fresh fish, shrimps and crabs are the main ingredients of Haipai Cuisine. The appearance, flavors and cooking techniques of the Haipai dishes have many variations.
Signature Shanghai dishes are Xia Zi Da Wu Shen, Ba Bao La Jiang, You Bao He Xia, Yan Du Xian, Qing Chao Shan Hu etc.
Beijing Cuisine
Yan Yun Lou
Address: Fl. 8th and 9th, No.699 Nanjing East Road
Roasted ducks here are as famous as those of Quanjude in Beijing but they are lean instead of greasy. And the price is very reasonable!
Cantonese Cuisine
Sunya Cantonese Restaurant
Address: No.719 Nanjing East Road
The roast suckling pig is highly recommended. This is the most typical Cantonese dish.
Hunan Cuisine
Shanghai Dong Ting Chun Hunan Cuisine Restaurant
Address: No.58, Yueyang Road, Xuhui District
Sichuan Cuisine
Duo Li Si Chuan Cuisine Restaurant has branches in almost every district of Shanghai.
Yangzhou Cuisine
Yangzhou Restaurant
Crab powder tofu, crab powder steamed stuffed bun and meatball are the trump cards of this restaurant.
Address: No.72, Nanjing West Road