IAOS Conference on Reshaping Official Statistics
Shanghai, 14-16 October 2008 |
Letter of invitation
The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) and the National Bureau of Statistics of China would like to welcome you to the biennial meeting for statisticians from national statistical institutes, international organisations and academies. The theme of the IAOS Conference in Shanghai 2008 is Smart Data, Innovative Uses – Reshaping Official Statistics. An integral part of the Conference is also the 26th biennial conference of the SCORUS, a standing committee of IAOS on regional and urban statistics.
The conference covers relevant topics for reshaping official statistics. There will be both plenary and concurrent sessions. We have received over 100 papers and presentations. Areas covered by the conference are e.g:
For further details regarding the programme, please see the conference website under programme. For registration, accommodations and other practical matters see also the conference website |