Energy production in April of 2021
In April, the production of raw coal in designated size decreased, the production of crude oil and natural gas increased steadily, and the production of electric power increased rapidly. Taking April 2019 as the base period, the average growth of raw coal, crude oil and electric power production in two years was stable, and the growth of natural gas production was fast.
I. Raw Coal, Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production and Relevant Information
Raw coal production had declined. In April, 320 million tons of raw coal were produced, a year-on-year decrease of 1.8 percent, an increase of 4.0 percent over April 2019, an average increase of 2.0 percent in two years, and an average daily output of 10.74 million tons; the import of coal was 21.73 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 29.8 percent.
From January to April, 1.29 billion tons of raw coal were produced, an increase of 11.1 percent over the same period of last year, an increase of 12.5 percent over the period from January to April in 2019, and an average increase of 6.1 percent in two years; the import of coal was 90.13 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 28.8 percent.
The comprehensive trading price of port coal continued to rise. On April 30, the prices of 5500, 5000 and 4500 kcal coal in Qinhuangdao Port were 690, 618 and 549 yuan per ton respectively, up 56, 51 and 47 yuan respectively from April 2.
Crude oil production was stable and processing capacity kept growing. In April, 16.41 million tons of crude oil were produced, with a year-on-year growth of 3.4 percent, an increase of 4.3 percent over April 2019, and an average growth of 2.1 percent in two years, with an average daily output of 547,000 tons. 57.9 million tons of crude oil were processed, an increase of 7.5 percent over the same period last year, an increase of 8.3 percent over April 2019, an average increase of 4.1 percent in two years, and an average daily processing of 1.93 million tons.
From January to April, 65.63 million tons of crude oil were produced, with a year-on-year increase of 1.9 percent, 3.9 percent higher than that from January to April in 2019, and an average increase of 1.9 percent in two years; the processed crude oil was 232.1 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 14.2 percent, an increase of 10.3 percent over January April 2019, and an average growth of 5.0 percent in two years.
The import of crude oil had changed from up to down, and the international crude oil price had increased. In April, the import of crude oil was 40.36 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 0.2 percent; from January to April, 179.58 million tons of crude oil were imported, a year-on-year increase of 7.2 percent. On April 30, the spot FOB price of Brent crude oil was 67.73 USD per barrel, up 6.6 percent from 63.52 USD per barrel on March 31.
Natural gas production had maintained steady growth. In April, natural gas production reached 16.9 billion cubic meters, a year-on-year increase of 7.0 percent, an increase of 22.3 percent over April 2019, an average increase of 10.6 percent in two years, and a daily output of 560 million cubic meters.
From January to April, 70.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas were produced, an increase of 11.6 percent over the same period last year, an increase of 23.1 percent over the period from January to April in 2019, and an average increase of 10.9 percent in two years.
The growth rate of natural gas imports accelerated. In April, 10.15 million tons of natural gas were imported, up 31.4 percent year on year. From January to April, 39.46 million tons of natural gas were imported, up 22.4 percent year on year.
II. Electric Power Production
Electricity production grew rapidly. In April, 623 billion kwh of electricity was generated, an increase of 11.0 percent over the same period last year, an increase of 11.3 percent over April 2019, and an average increase of 5.5 percent in two years, with an average daily power generation of 20.77 billion kwh. From January to April, power generation reached 2,527.6 billion kwh, an increase of 16.8 percent over the same period last year and 10.9 percent over the period from January to April in 2019, and an average increase of 5.3 percent in two years.
In terms of varieties, in April, thermal power, hydropower, nuclear power and wind power continued to grow, while the growth rate of solar power declined. Among them, thermal power increased by 12.5 percent year-on-year, with April 2019 as the base period, with an average growth of 6.7 percent in two years; hydropower increased by 3.3 percent, with an average decrease of 3.1 percent in two years; nuclear power increased by 5.2 percent, with an average growth of 7.9 percent in two years; wind power increased by 21.1 percent, with an average growth of 10.7 percent in two years; solar power generation decreased by 6.4 percent, with an average growth of 2.5 percent in two years.
1. Explanatory Notes
Average daily product output: It is calculated by dividing the total output of Industrial Enterprises above the designated size announced in that month by the calendar days of that month.
2. Statistical Coverage
The statistical caliber of the output data in the report is above the designated size of industry, and the statistical scope is industrial enterprises with annual main business income of more than 20 million yuan.
Because the scope of Industrial Enterprises above the designated size changes every year, in order to ensure that this year's data is comparable with the previous year's, the same period used to calculate the growth rate of various indicators such as product output is consistent with the statistical scope of enterprises in this period, and there is a caliber difference between the data released last year.
3. Data Source
Import data comes from the General Administration of Customs, of which March data are express data; coal price data comes from China Coal Market Network; crude oil price data comes from the United States Energy Information Agency (EIA).
4. Conversion relationship of natural gas units: 1 ton is equal to 1380 cubic meters.
5. The two-year average growth rate refers to the growth rate calculated by geometric average method based on the corresponding number of the same period in 2019.