24-44  Index of Share Prices, Value of Stock Exchange Turnover and Market Capitalisation
Item 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Hong Kong-listed  
   Main Board  
   Index of Share Prices  
      Hang Seng Index (31.7.1964=100)  
         High 31958.4 27853.6 23099.6 24988.6 24468.6
         Low 18659.2 10676.3 11344.6 18971.5 16170.4
         Closing 27812.7 14387.5 21872.5 23035.5 18434.4
         Sectoral Sub-indexes  
         (13.1.1984 = 975.47)  
               High 48000.5 39543.2 37385.1 37707.7 35843.9
               Low 29619.9 17235.7 15457.9 28778.5 21253.7
               Closing 39526.3 21793.5 34170.8 33789.2 24903.0
               High 41664.0 45501.9 38609.9 43624.1 49317.8
               Low 33291.0 27510.7 33049.6 35796.8 40531.1
               Closing 41065.1 33841.4 37585.2 41748.9 45400.9
               High 40025.0 39305.3 30271.8 33816.1 32369.5
               Low 22149.3 13015.5 14226.0 23817.2 19362.7
               Closing 38080.0 16974.1 28147.4 29980.3 22812.2
            Commerce and Industry  
               High 19001.2 16619.8 11866.0 13611.3 13985.9
               Low 9991.6 5290.1 6585.4 10167.5 9923.2
               Closing 16568.0 7894.2 11452.9 12974.4 11126.7
      Hang Seng Composite Index  
      (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
         High 4580.1 3940.6 3186.1 3519.3 3435.5
         Low 2557.1 1434.4 1634.8 2621.3 2182.4
         Closing 3935.4 1982.6 3052.0 3248.2 2546.6
         Hang Seng Composite Industry Indexes  
         (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
               High 20327.9 17106.9 13243.9 15472.2 17077.2
               Low 7696.3 4124.9 5811.0 11010.8 10875.7
               Closing 16203.5 7225.8 12811.5 14928.9 12678.4
               High 24423.1 19252.5 11465.4 12245.1 11747.4
               Low 10108.7 2636.3 4264.1 8554.0 5294.9
               Closing 19031.0 5041.5 10822.5 11294.0 6507.5
            Industrial Goods  
               High 2205.1 1885.4 1474.5 2071.4 2041.1
               Low 1379.8 459.4 646.5 1247.7 876.8
               Closing 1867.4 760.5 1401.3 1933.8 1068.9
            Consumer Goods  
               High 5441.2 5164.9 5287.7 6315.7 5886.3
               Low 3585.2 1817.7 2267.7 4549.8 3614.3
               Closing 5041.1 2389.4 5175.4 5655.0 4282.7
               High 5723.7 5285.6 3427.0 4458.0 4597.7
               Low 3409.6 1451.1 1685.0 3068.8 2768.8
               Closing 5168.4 1960.3 3345.3 4191.2 3326.2
               High 3291.5 2914.4 1916.2 1772.2 1840.3
               Low 1488.5 1114.1 1304.2 1488.8 1534.9
               Closing 2885.3 1605.3 1529.3 1657.9 1701.9
               High 6057.9 5955.8 5141.7 5522.4 6000.1
               Low 4299.4 3304.0 4098.7 4681.5 5081.5
               Closing 5909.5 4276.8 4953.6 5261.4 5407.6
               High 4931.6 4096.7 3944.1 3989.2 3797.1
               Low 2930.1 1752.6 1718.9 3032.1 2255.7
               Closing 3999.3 2280.9 3599.2 3572.8 2693.8
            Properties & Construction  
               High 4867.5 4353.0 3155.7 3348.2 3285.2
               Low 2715.6 1223.0 1464.1 2378.7 1843.9
               Closing 4321.0 1809.3 2916.3 3047.1 2238.4
            Information Technology  
               High 2771.7 2372.8 2672.8 2879.3 2858.6
               Low 1767.0 649.7 762.5 2095.2 1771.6
               Closing 2367.9 874.9 2669.2 2483.2 2022.3
               High 3105.9 2923.4 2204.6 2801.8 2861.5
               Low 2031.7 973.3 1144.4 1794.3 1727.1
               Closing 2815.2 1307.2 2171.3 2654.9 1984.1
         Hang Seng Composite Size Indexes  
         (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index  
               High 2561.9 2437.2 1849.4 2022.9 1982.8
               Low 1947.5 1095.8 846.8 1529.2 1305.8
               Closing 2401.0 1226.0 1760.4 1862.0 1509.5
            Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index  
               High 6079.1 5539.4 4618.2 5285.0 5180.3
               Low 3980.6 2064.7 2264.6 3799.4 2830.8
               Closing 5521.4 2569.5 4515.2 4895.3 3449.9
            Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index  
               High 3544.7 3204.1 2406.7 3006.8 2929.3
               Low 2299.3 831.9 1033.1 2040.4 1569.3
               Closing 3159.5 1101.3 2338.4 2804.9 1872.2
         Hang Seng China Enterprises Index  
         (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            High 20609.1 16323.7 13863.0 14219.5 13770.7
            Low 8426.8 4792.4 6404.0 10726.5 8058.6
            Closing 16124.7 7891.8 12794.1 12692.4 9936.5
         Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corp. Index  
         (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            High 7107.9 6162.6 4457.4 4486.6 4460.4
            Low 3112.7 2172.6 2749.9 3498.5 3079.3
            Closing 6111.2 3292.4 4059.9 4170.2 3682.2
          Hang Seng China H-Financials Index  
          (5.3.2004 = 5 033.14)  
            High 23956.5 18545.8 19325.7 20098.2 18826.5
            Low 10145.1 6636.1 8568.4 14937.3 9944.0
            Closing 18121.1 10186.0 17677.0 17681.7 12928.8
          Hang Seng Mainland 100  
          (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            High 10906.7 8971.1 7322.2 7858.1 7679.4
            Low 4783.1 2746.4 3587.6 5994.1 4820.2
            Closing 8927.6 4330.2 6983.7 7133.9 5757.1
          Hang Seng Mainland 25  
           (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            High 12203.3 9968.9 8285.9 8849.8 8818.5
            Low 5383.2 3226.7 4186.9 6756.8 5769.5
            Closing 9870.5 5097.8 7720.0 8051.9 6875.5
          Hang Seng HK 35  
           (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
            High 3126.1 3009.6 2287.3 2721.0 2750.3
            Low 2094.5 1174.6 1125.4 1931.3 1794.4
            Closing 2965.0 1419.8 2207.3 2568.8 2038.3
          Hang Seng REIT Index  
           (25.11.2005 = 3 000)  
            High - 2233.9 3458.6 4673.1 4933.7
            Low - 1551.1 1993.9 3392.6 3541.1
            Closing - 2217.0 3403.2 4668.6 4076.6
Cross-market and Mainland-listed  
   Hang Seng China 50 Index (USD)  
   (3.1.2000 = 2 000)  
      High - 6764.2 7118.2 6900.0 6769.9
      Low - 3085.2 3885.0 5463.0 4758.7
      Closing - 4159.4 6776.6 6156.5 5232.3
   Hang Seng China AH Premium Index  
      High 197.8 213.5 167.7 125.2 142.1
      Low 129.0 105.7 109.9 91.8 93.2
      Closing 179.1 119.3 120.9 98.8 111.8
   Hang Seng China AH (A+H) Index (USD)  
   (3.1.2006 = 1 000)  
      High 3837.0 3198.0 2481.5 2445.6 2359.5
      Low 2191.5 1009.0 1272.7 1874.7 1532.2
      Closing 3149.8 1371.7 2334.5 2177.9 1727.8
   Hang Seng China AH (A) Index (CNY)  
   (3.1.2006 = 1 000)  
      High 4949.8 4479.9 2638.5 2437.9 2094.1
      Low 2699.6 1253.5 1407.2 1728.2 1546.7
      Closing 4285.4 1395.9 2400.7 1910.4 1594.1
   Hang Seng China AH (H) Index (HKD)  
   (3.1.2006 = 1 000)  
      High 3332.9 2647.2 2326.4 2443.2 2348.3
      Low 1741.0 791.6 1050.7 1819.4 1301.3
      Closing 2645.3 1296.3 2153.5 2201.4 1662.4
   Hang Seng China A Industry Top Index (CNY)  
    (1.7.2005 = 1 000)  
      High - - 3838.5 3773.9 3350.3
      Low - - 3177.4 2583.2 2432.3
      Closing - - 3752.3 3050.9 2505.0
Main Board  
    S&P/HKEx LargeCap Index  
    (28.2.2003 = 10 000)  
       High 38585.1 33684.7 26565.3 29488.0 29060.8
       Low 21912.5 13569.0 14169.8 22345.5 19639.4
       Closing 33709.0 17891.2 25565.0 27392.8 22252.2
    Turnover (HKD 100 million) 215062.7 176007.1 154394.9 170764.1 170911.2
    Market Capitalisation(HKD 100 million) 205364.6 102535.9 177692.7 209422.8 174526.7
Growth Enterprise Market  
    S&P/HKEx GEM Index  
    (28.2.2003 = 1 000)  
       High 1793.9 1347.5 731.3 897.3 824.1
       Low 1209.8 343.2 349.5 686.1 425.8
       Closing 1349.6 385.5 677.0 810.5 474.8
    Turnover (HKD 100 million) 1592.6 520.9 757.6 1336.7 629.6
    Market Capitalisation(HKD 100 million) 1610.8 451.6 1050.4 1346.7 845.9
Notes : For high and low indices, indexes compiled by the Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited are based on the intraday indices of the period;
             while for S&P/HKEx indexes, they are based on the daily closing indices of the period.
          The Hang Seng Family of Indexes were revamped on 8 March 2010.  Indexes are classified as Hong Kong-listed, Cross-market and 
               Mainland-listed according to where their constituents are listed.
          The compilation of the Hang Seng Index is switched from a full market capitalisation weighted methodology to a freefloat-adjusted market 
               capitalisation weighted methodology with 15% cap on each constituent weighting.
          Since 11 September 2006, the number of Industry Indexes has been increased from 9 to 11.  While the industries“Energy” and “Materials”
               originate from “Oil and Resources” and “Industrial Goods”, the industry “Telecommunications” originates from “Services”.
          The Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index, Hang Seng Composite MidCap Index and Hang Seng Composite SmallCap Index have assumed
               the continuation of Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index, Hang Seng HK MidCap Index and Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index respectively for
               index calculation starting from 8 March 2010.
          The H-shares Index adopts a freefloat-adjusted market capitalisation weighted methodology with a 10% cap on each constituent weighting.
          Launched on 27 November 2006, high and low indices for 2006 refer to the period from 27 November 2006 to end-December 2006.
          The Hang Seng Mainland 100 has assumed the continuation of the Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index for index calculation starting from
               8 March 2010.
          The Hang Seng HK 35 has assumed the continuation of the Hang Seng HK 25 for index calculation starting from 8 March 2010.
          Launched on 27 October 2008, high and low indices for 2008 refer to the period from 27 October 2008 to end-December 2008.
          Launched on 30 June 2008, high and low indices for 2008 refer to the period from 30 June 2008 to end-December 2008.
          Launched on 9 July 2007, high and low indices for 2007 refer to the period from 9 July 2007 to end-December 2007.
          Launched on 21 September 2009, high and low indices for 2009 refer to the period from 21 September 2009 to end-December 2009.
          Year-end figures.