24-15 Gross National
Product |
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified) |
Item |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
In Chained (2009) dollars① |
16291 |
16666 |
16225 |
17376 |
18250 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
449 |
822 |
429 |
280 |
535 |
16745 |
17490 |
16654 |
17656 |
18785 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD)② |
235539 |
239534 |
232692 |
247376 |
258074 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD)② |
242104 |
251375 |
238840 |
251359 |
265644 |
At Current Market Prices |
16156 |
16770 |
16225 |
17416 |
18967 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
444 |
833 |
429 |
283 |
568 |
16600 |
17603 |
16654 |
17699 |
19535 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD)② |
233589 |
241026 |
232692 |
247938 |
268213 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD)② |
240014 |
252999 |
238840 |
251966 |
276250 |
Note : ①A technical feature of the chain
volume measures was that for earlier years, the sum of net external factor
income flows and GDP might not |
be equal to GNP. |
②The per capita GNP
figures from 2007 to 2010 have been revised to take into account the results
of the 2011 Population Census which |
provided a benchmark for revising the population figures compiled
since the 2006 Population By-census. |