24-15  Gross National Product
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
Item 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  In Chained (2009) dollars                     
      GDP     16291 16666 16225 17376 18250
      Net External Factor Income Flows  449 822 429 280 535
      GNP  16745 17490 16654 17656 18785
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)                  235539 239534 232692 247376 258074
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                         242104 251375 238840 251359 265644
  At Current Market Prices  
      GDP     16156 16770 16225 17416 18967
      Net External Factor Income Flows  444 833 429 283 568
      GNP  16600 17603 16654 17699 19535
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)            233589 241026 232692 247938 268213
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                   240014 252999 238840 251966 276250
Note : A technical feature of the chain volume measures was that for earlier years, the sum of net external factor income flows and GDP might not 
                be equal to GNP.
           The per capita GNP figures from 2007 to 2010 have been revised to take into account the results of the 2011 Population Census which 
                provided a benchmark for revising the population figures compiled since the 2006 Population By-census.