24-14  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
GDP Components 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  At Current Market Prices  
          Private Consumption Expenditure 9720 10229 10128 10915 12322
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1304 1393 1429 1474 1574
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 3254 3344 3229 3705 4172
          Changes in Inventories 128 85 229 375 160
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 26989 28440 24947 30613 34092
           Less: Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 28525 30241 27030 33951 38459
          Exports of Services 6608 7186 6698 8248 9455
           Less: Imports of Services 3322 3665 3406 3963 4350
      GDP 16156 16770 16225 17416 18967
      Per Capita GDP (HKD) 233589 241026 232692 247938 268213
  In Chained (2009) dollars  
          Private Consumption Expenditure 9828 10062 10128 10809 11727
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1371 1396 1429 1470 1496
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 3325 3360 3229 3477 3741
          Changes in Inventories 141 83 229 379 147
          Exports of Goods (f.o.b.) 28042 28585 24947 29260 30310
          Imports of Goods (f.o.b.) 29317 29856 27030 31935 33482
          Exports of Services 6350 6681 6698 7678 8190
          Imports of Services 3369 3580 3406 3762 3879
      GDP 16291 16666 16225 17376 18250
      Per Capita GDP (HKD) 235539 239534 232692 247376 258074
Notes:The per capita GDP figures from 2007 to 2011 have been revised to take into account the results of the 2011 Population Census which 
             provided a benchmark for revising the population figures compiled since the 2006 Population By-census.