23-19 Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate (2011)
Category of Cases        
Cases Cases Registered Cases Original
Accepted for Reinves- Settled Decision
  tigation   Changed
  Total 11391 8395 8260 928
  Appeals against Decision of Procuratorate's Offices 4224 3458 3440 928
     Appeals against Rejection of Arrest 1048 890 876 154
     Appeals against Rejection of Prosecuting 1822 1599 1586 203
     Appeals against Withdrawal of the Case 52 38 40 3
     Appeals against Original Exemption of Lawsuit 56 44 43 6
     Others 1246 887 895 562
  Appeals against Judgment of Criminal Case 7167 4937 4820
     Appeals of the Victim at the Punishment 2671 1913 1865
     Appeals of the Defendant at the Punishment 2298 1631 1599
     Appeals of the Victim after the Punishment 669 470 455
     Appeals of the Defendant after the Punishment 1529 923 901