22-11 Basic
Statistics on Radio and Television Industry |
Item |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
Radio |
Radio Coverage Rate of
the Population
(%) |
96.31 |
96.78 |
97.06 |
Rural |
95.10 |
95.64 |
96.09 |
Number of Radio
(set) |
2521 |
2552 |
2590 |
Public Radio |
2520 |
2549 |
2587 |
Pay Radio |
1 |
3 |
3 |
Length of Public Radio
Programs Broadcasted(10 000 hours) |
1226.6 |
1266.0 |
1305.8 |
Length of Radio
Programs Produced
(10 000 hours) |
671.7 |
681.4 |
693.7 |
Television |
TV Coverage Rate of
(%) |
97.23 |
97.62 |
97.82 |
Rural |
91.90 |
96.78 |
97.10 |
Number of Users of
Cable Radio and TV(10 000 households) |
17523 |
18872 |
20264 |
Rural |
6863 |
7293 |
8123 |
Number of Users of Digital TV |
6322 |
8870 |
11489 |
Popularization Rate of
Cable Radio and TV
(%) |
43.99 |
46.40 |
49.43 |
Rural Popularization Rate of
Cable Radio and TV |
27.77 |
29.35 |
32.38 |
Number of TV
(set) |
3337 |
3350 |
3370 |
Public TV |
3250 |
3272 |
3274 |
Pay TV |
87 |
78 |
96 |
Length of Public TV
Programs Broadcasted
(10 000 hours) |
1577.68 |
1635.50 |
1675.30 |
Number of TV Plays
(10 000 sets) |
23.83 |
24.92 |
24.71 |
Imported TV Plays |
0.91 |
0.88 |
0.64 |
Number of TV Plays
(10 000 parts) |
605.09 |
635.86 |
663.63 |
Imported TV Plays |
22.41 |
19.51 |
16.64 |
Number of Cartoons
(set) |
28.03 |
Imported Cartoons |
1.48 |
Length of TV Programs
(10 000 hours) |
265.36 |
274.29 |
295.05 |
Movies |
State-owned Movie
(unit) |
38 |
38 |
38 |
Feature Film Movie Studios |
31 |
31 |
Movie Circuit
(line) |
37 |
37 |
39 |
Cinemas in Movie
(unit) |
1687 |
1820 |
2803 |
Screen in Movie
(unit) |
4723 |
6256 |
9286 |
Revenue of Movies
(100 million yuan) |
106.65 |
157.21 |
177.47 |
Domestic Movie Box Office
Revenue |
62.06 |
101.72 |
131.15 |
Revenue of Movies Showed on TV |
16.89 |
20.32 |
25.86 |
Sales of Domestic-Produced
Movies to Foreign Country |
27.70 |
35.17 |
20.46 |
TV Technology and
Others |
Revenue of Radio and
(100 million yuan) |
1852.85 |
2301.87 |
2717.32 |
Staff and Workers of
Radio and TV
(10 000 persons) |
70.58 |
75.09 |
78.64 |
Transmission and
Relaying Stations of Medium |
809 |
822 |
827 |
and Short Wave
(unit) |
Relaying Stations of
Frequency Modulation |
1.21 |
1.16 |
1.14 |
(10 000 units) |
TV Transmission and
Relaying Stations
(10 000 units) |
1.77 |
1.60 |
1.54 |
Microwave Stations
(unit) |
2591 |
2376 |
2497 |