22-5  Basic Statistics on Cultural Institutions (2011)
Total Provin- Prefec- County County Township Township
  cial ture (City) Cultural (sub- Cultural
  Level Level Level Center district) Stations
Institutions                                         (unit) 43675 31 348 2906 1669 40390 34139
Number of Employed Persons       (person) 147732 1720 9651 40633 21589 95728 78148
Art Performances and Story-telling 620586 1567 18956 129646 58519 470417 326376
  Sessions                                           (time)  
Person-times Attending Art and Cultural 28224 275 2575 10092 4799 15282 11036
  Activites                (10 000 person-times)  
Number of Training Courses            (time) 339883 2160 23789 77173 27378 236761 150369
Attending Training  (10 000 person-times) 2414 18 140 457 198 1799 1231
Number of Exhibitions                      (unit) 107785 279 2519 16602 8658 88385 66832
Visiting Exhibitions (10 000 person-times) 7752 187 745 2447 1322 4372 3290
Number of Theoretical Lectures       (time) 17590 1778 2348 13464 5639
Attending Theoretical Lectures 315.61 25.74 45.48 244.39 113.29
                                (10 000 person-times)  
Books Collected                  (10 000 copies) 18010 12 43 429 166 17527 13351
   Computer Owned                            (unit) 169267 1247 4490 19393 8410 144137 111483
Revenue this Year         (100 million yuan) 128.56 4.54 13.33 40.41 15.92 70.29 56.47
Expenditure this Year   (100 million yuan) 126.75 4.36 12.80 39.10 15.33 70.48 56.18
Art Performance Troupes Run 7927 88 1137 6702 3276
  by Centers                                        (unit)  
Number of Art Performances Run 312335 1381 192453 118501 46484
  by Centers                                       (time)  
Aging College Run by Centers          (unit) 699 11 79 609 304
Part-time Art Troupes                        (unit) 267844 142 3860 47090 23351 216752 154799