22-4  Basic Statistics on Public Libraries (2011)
Item     By Jurisdiction of Management
Total Children's Run by Run by Prefec- County Run by
  Libraries Central Provinces, ture (City) Counties
    Govern- Autonomous Level Level  
    ment Regions and      
Number of Institutions                   (unit) 2952 94 1 38 343 2570 1539
Number of  Employed Persons  (person) 54475 1764 1573 7666 13858 31378 15324
Total Collections             (10000 copies) 69719 2321 3137 18624 18435 29523 11823
Kinds of Newspapers and Periodicals 94.12 3.38 1.85 16.42 25.39 50.46 21.05
  Purchased This Year                   (kind)  
Accumulative Number of Library Cards 2214 102 133 436 739 905 300
  Distributed                                 (units)  
Total Number of Circulation 38151 1881 448 4702 12389 20612 6981
                                (1000 person-times)  
   Borrowing from Libraries 15316 934 31 1318 4594 9373 3739
Number of Books and Periodicals Lent 28452 1739 49 3692 8666 16044 5628
  to Readers          (10 000 copies-times)  
Number of Lectures                      (time) 35175 1878 158 2972 9280 22765 10556
Exhibition Held                             (unit) 10479 502 60 753 2356 7310 3375
Training Classes Held                    (unit) 22597 2778 37 1858 8344 12358 5503
Computer                                         (set) 157528 4987 3180 15874 33421 105053 53866
Terminals in Electronic Media 92649 2714 236 4329 16266 71818 39574
   Reading Rooms                            (set)  
Seats of Reading Room    (10 000 units) 68.14 2.21 0.44 5.49 16.06 46.15 20.73