21-20  Conditions of New Cooperative Medical System 
Indicator 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Number of Counties Implementing 678 1451 2451 2729 2716 2678 2637
  of NCMS                             (unit)  
Number of Enrollees 1.79 4.10 7.26 8.15 8.33 8.36 8.32
                      (100 million persons)  
Enrollment Rate                        (%) 75.7 80.7 86.2 91.5 94.2 96.0 97.5
Per Capita Premiums            (yuan) 42.1 52.1 58.9 96.3 113.4 156.6 246.2
Payout at Current Year 61.8 155.8 346.6 662.3 922.9 1187.8 1710.2
                          (100 million yuan)  
Number of Beneficiaries 1.22 2.72 4.53 5.85 7.59 10.87 13.15
  from Reimbursement  
             (100 million person-times)