21-15  Ranking List of Infectious Diseases Reported and Number of Deaths of Class A and B (2011)
No. Diseases Death
Diseases Persons Diseases Persons
1 Viral Hepatitis 1372344 AIDS 9224
2 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 953275 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 2840
3 Syphilis 395182 Hydrophobia 1879
4 Dysentery 237930 Viral Hepatitis 830
5 Gonorrhea 97954 Hemorrhage Fever 119
6 Scarlet Fever 63878 Syphilis 75
7 Brucellosis 38151 A(H1N1)Flu 75
8 AIDS 20450 Encephalitis B 63
9 Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever 11798 Newborn Tetanus 52
10 Hemorrhage Fever 10779 Malaria 30
11 Measles 9943 Epidemic Encephalitis 25
12 A(H1N1)Flu 9360 Dysentery 24
13 Schistosomiasis 4483 Measles 10
14 Malaria 4088 Leptospirosis 5
15 Pertussis 2517 Anthrax 3
16 Hydrophobia 1917 Pertussis 2
17 Encephalitis B 1625 Schistosomiasis 2
18 Newborn Tetanus 785 The Plague 1
19 Leptospirosis 396 Gonorrhea 1
20 Anthrax 309 Poliomyelitis 1
21 Epidemic Encephalitis 228 Scarlet Fever 1
22 Dengue Fever 120 Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu 1
23 Cholera 24 Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever 1
24 Poliomyelitis 20 Cholera  
25 The Plague 1 Brucellosis  
26 Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu 1 Dengue Fever  
27 SARS   SARS  
28 Diphtheria   Diphtheria