20-44  Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of
Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size
Item 2004 2008 2009 2011
Statistics on Industrial Enterprises  
Number of Enterprises Having R&D Activities                 (unit) 17075 27278 36387 37467
Percentage of Enterprises Having R&D Activities to 6.2 6.5 8.5 11.5
  Total Number of Enterprises                                               (%)  
Statitstics on R&D Activities  
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel      (10 000 man-years) 54.2 123.0 144.7 193.9
Expenditure on R&D                                     (100 million yuan) 1104.5 3073.1 3775.7 5993.8
Percentage of Expenditure on   R&D to Sales Revenue        (%) 0.56 0.61 0.69 0.71
R&D Projects                                                                     (item) 53641 143448 194400 232158
Expenditure on R&D Projects                       (100 million yuan) 921.2 2902.0 3185.9 5052.0
Statistics on R&D Institutions  
Number of R&D Institutions                                              (unit) 17555 26177 29879 31320
R&D Personnel                                                 (10 000 persons) 64.4 130.4 155.0 181.6
Expenditure on R&D                                     (100 million yuan) 841.6 2634.8 2983.6 3957.0
Statitstics on New Products Development and Production  
Number of New Products                                                   (unit) 76176 184859 237754 266232
Expenditure on New Products Development (100 million yuan) 965.7 3676.0 4482.0 6845.9
Sales Revenue of New Products                    (100 million yuan) 22808.6 57027.1 65838.2 100582.7
   Export 5312.2 14081.6 11572.5 20223.1
Statistics on Patent  
Patent Applications                                                           (piece) 64569 173573 265808 386075
   Inventions 20456 59254 92450 134843
Number of Patents In Force                                              (piece) 30315 80252 118245 201089
Statistics on Technology Acquisition and  
  Technology Reconstruction  
Expenditure for Acquisition of Foreign Technology(100 million yuan) 397.4 466.9 422.2 449.0
Expenditure for Assimilation of Technology(100 million yuan) 61.2 122.7 182.0 202.2
Expenditure for Purchase of Domestic Technology(100 million yuan) 82.5 184.2 203.4 220.5
Expenditure for Technical Renovation          (100 million yuan) 2953.5 4672.7 4344.7 4293.7
a) From 2011, the statistics range of the industrial enterprises above designated size change from the industrial enterprises with the sales revenue above 
    5 million RMB to the industrial enterprises with the sales revenue above 20 million RMB. The same applies to the following table.