20-29  Number of Schools and Students in Undergraduate or Specialized Courses in Institutions of Higher Education by Region (2011)
              Anticipated Specialized Undergraduate Graduates with Specialized Undergraduate Degrees
Schools Entrants Specialized Undergraduate Enrollment Specialized Undergraduate Graduates for Courses Courses Degrees or Courses Courses Conferred
(unit)   Courses Courses   Courses Courses Next Year     Diplomas      
National Total 2483 6815009 3248598 3566411 23085078 9588501 13496577 6361179 3248092 3113087 6081565 3285336 2796229 2707934
Beijing 87 156862 36497 120365 587887 112395 475492 160529 42304 118225 153663 42415 111248 108719
Tianjin 56 131227 53011 78216 449702 156167 293535 116487 51546 64941 108723 51580 57143 55244
Hebei 119 349000 197100 151900 1149252 557265 591987 318931 183503 135428 311141 190865 120276 117660
Shanxi 78 178393 90317 88076 594469 272316 322153 163162 90667 72495 152680 87563 65117 62894
Inner Mongolia 47 114076 58916 55160 384440 173018 211422 105869 58950 46919 95957 54636 41321 40261
Liaoning 114 259816 98256 161560 902231 277685 624546 240881 89325 151556 236341 96324 140017 137482
Jilin 59 160052 48931 111121 562831 138275 424556 147616 48685 98931 141569 49819 91750 86502
Heilongjiang 82 195176 67947 127229 709968 220433 489535 205943 86613 119330 196075 88195 107880 105945
Shanghai 66 137811 50497 87314 511283 154065 357218 143309 52383 90926 139027 54853 84174 80860
Jiangsu 156 436056 195595 240461 1659415 691318 968097 484568 245211 239357 477137 251627 225510 211624
Zhejiang 103 267493 125106 142387 907482 361191 546291 253883 123204 130679 238448 121607 116841 113238
Anhui 116 308035 169184 138851 991267 472667 518600 268320 152077 116243 256135 150244 105891 103187
Fujian 87 201449 95049 106400 674779 278686 396093 183030 91497 91533 173702 94270 79432 79428
Jiangxi 90 246027 132192 113835 828599 399999 428600 233187 137193 95994 225802 140788 85014 82914
Shandong 146 480753 256706 224047 1645589 779231 866358 479119 270381 208738 472882 293593 179289 176331
Henan 123 448850 244939 203911 1500142 741381 758761 436815 266552 170263 432994 278994 154000 150720
Hubei 127 409497 198546 210951 1340298 569438 770860 357818 187694 170124 362991 205436 157555 149843
Hunan 124 306088 152068 154020 1067852 474624 593228 309014 174779 134235 284178 164329 119849 117476
Guangdong 134 468685 241430 227255 1527254 684907 842347 416739 229664 187075 357521 195266 162255 158942
Guangxi 74 184639 107616 77023 600094 315408 284686 167226 103265 63961 151052 94215 56837 55120
Hainan 17 46416 22393 24023 156700 68773 87927 42344 24187 18157 39150 23345 15805 14755
Chongqing 60 177615 75948 101667 567813 206281 361532 141690 64120 77570 130702 60683 70019 66043
Sichuan 95 343631 169818 173813 1139316 455801 683515 296176 135607 160569 289165 151406 137759 134535
Guizhou 48 106810 49216 57594 344100 139995 204105 87573 46813 40760 83016 45167 37849 34845
Yunnan 64 159349 68796 90553 487552 191689 295863 120661 60483 60178 109531 59012 50519 49226
Tibet 6 9401 4269 5132 32374 12475 19899 7817 3299 4518 8159 3606 4553 4315
Shaanxi 98 292105 125084 167021 964773 369590 595183 267898 132863 135035 258878 138292 120586 116127
Gansu 44 123481 55478 68003 405306 149626 255680 104468 46012 58456 99042 47877 51165 50288
Qinghai 9 13990 5968 8022 45721 15948 29773 11951 5253 6698 12582 6553 6029 5953
Ningxia 16 28203 11956 16247 87870 30898 56972 21183 9072 12111 19524 9496 10028 9877
Xinjiang 38 74023 39769 34254 258719 116956 141763 66972 34890 32082 63798 33280 30518 27580
a) Schools refer to those of regular higher education. Number of students includes adult regular undergraduates and college students.