20-20  Number of Secondary Vocational Schools (2011)
Item   Central Local        
  Ministries Depart- Depart- Departments Local Private
Total and ments ments of of Non- Enter-  
  Agencies   Education Education prises  
Secondary Vocational Schools 10169 30 7283 5669 1510 104 2856
   Regular Specialized Secondary School 3753 22 2750 1711 998 41 981
   Adult Specialized Secondary School 1614 4 1452 1152 274 26 158
   Vocational Junior Secondary School 4802 4 3081 2806 238 37 1717
 Other Institutions 642 3 515 353 151 11 124
a) Number of secondary vocational schools do not include the number of skilled-worker schools. The same applies to the tables following.