20-19  Number of Students Enrolled in Internet-based Courses by Field of Study (2011)
Item New Total Graduates
Enrollment Enrollment  
 Total 1227526 3170073 839104
 Teacher Training 29833 52299 13973
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and Fishery 62403 189416 59936
Communication &Transpotation 29172 61402 16932
Biochemistry and Drugs 3484 8676 2324
Exploiture of Resources & Surveying and Mapping 12174 23784 6499
Material and Sources of Energy  6609 14797 5947
Civil Construction 100235 218003 48585
Water Conservancy 5941 17783 3717
Manufacturing 55933 132861 31531
Electronic Information 51214 157007 41571
Environment Protection, Meteorology and Security 1947 4388 1144
Textile and Food 1080 1863 904
Finance and Economics 383550 1022089 284262
Medicine and Health 51826 149372 28370
Tourism 4768 16606 4878
Public Service 234139 577559 145321
Culture and Education 129892 301493 77786
Art Design and Media 7475 29315 7754
Public Security 1050 2195 909
Law 84634 241464 70734