20-17  Number of Students in Undergraduate and Junior Colleges by Field of Study (2011)
Item New Total Graduates
Enrollment Enrollment  
 Total 3248598 9588501 3285336
    Teacher Training 179603 524926 198650
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and Fishery 57103 172439 59580
Communication &Transpotation 142769 401420 116379
Biochemistry and Drugs 76758 237580 85344
Exploiture of Resources & Surveying and Mapping 49534 140031 40777
Material and Sources of Energy  45655 137167 46523
Civil Construction 363343 950137 252816
Water Conservancy 14003 37400 11036
Manufacturing 422391 1279609 457549
Electronic Information 313628 1006014 394674
Environment Protection, Meteorology and Security 15516 45397 15955
Textile and Food 56745 178163 64209
Finance and Economics 689471 2032080 668498
Medicine and Health 311438 863942 276239
Tourism 108430 323212 106716
Public Service 32815 97928 32915
Culture and Education 343259 1059178 430851
Art Design and Media 155198 463522 152434
Public Security 11095 36524 24066
Law 39447 126758 48775