20-15  Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2011)
Item New Total Graduates
Enrollment Enrollment  
Total 1287900 3138830 1151238
Run by Adult Institutions of Higher Education 155375 378467 171072
    Teacher Training 10255 22058 8760
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and Fishery 756 1970 705
Communication &Transpotation 4869 11472 7069
Biochemistry and Drugs 899 3255 1328
Exploiture of Resources & Surveying and Mapping 4552 10291 2306
Material and Sources of Energy  1673 4940 1933
Civil Construction 8400 18435 6675
Water Conservancy 720 1183 856
Manufacturing 19724 57779 27392
Electronic Information 10868 28173 12922
Environment Protection, Meteorology and Security 660 977 183
Textile and Food 519 1247 382
Finance and Economics 44926 109390 55174
Medicine and Health 15797 38833 13497
Tourism 3080 6525 2709
Public Service 5937 13856 6581
Culture and Education 23624 49476 20558
Art Design and Media 5995 13804 6004
Public Security 12 147 164
Law 2364 6714 4634
Run by Regular Institutions of Higher Education 1132525 2760363 980166
    Teacher Training 67062 147640 52617
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, and Fishery 25288 58961 17202
Communication &Transpotation 39589 94395 28819
Biochemistry and Drugs 13014 36289 12526
Exploiture of Resources & Surveying and Mapping 33081 76623 32235
Material and Sources of Energy  10875 34884 18062
Civil Construction 84319 188844 54006
Water Conservancy 5424 11589 4205
Manufacturing 139845 355745 128202
Electronic Information 85517 230028 85866
Environment Protection, Meteorology and Security 2167 5369 1833
Textile and Food 7553 17877 5996
Finance and Economics 306850 744593 296122
Medicine and Health 173913 431231 124502
Tourism 19121 44911 14275
Public Service 31513 72538 25938
Culture and Education 112944 259342 94840
Art Design and Media 27154 60334 19322
Public Security 1248 4839 2577
Law 13110 31971 13638