20-14  Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2011)
Item New Total Graduates
Enrollment Enrollment  
Total 897241 2336132 755402
Run by Adult Institutions 19286 49928 18780
  of Higher Education  
    Teacher Training 6519 18861 8217
 Economics 615 1518 476
 Law 2330 4861 1508
 Education 5186 13713 4968
 Literature 4386 13673 7095
    Foreign Language 1367 3928 1755
    Art 433 1205 567
 History 46 138 89
 Science 642 2063 809
 Engineering 660 2081 804
 Agriculture   127 40
 Medicine 2842 5003 1140
 Management 2579 6751 1851
 Run by Regular Institutions 877955 2286204 736622
    of Higher Education  
    Teacher Training 108577 301429 136693
 Philosophy 20 167 24
 Economics 28669 83050 27272
 Law 47709 123353 49000
 Education 42945 113834 43626
 Literature 113802 332402 140292
    Foreign Language 29079 92673 40744
    Art 17883 52618 17666
 History 1635 5248 2949
 Science 23655 68188 32127
 Engineering 214648 539077 161206
 Agriculture 14300 34547 10845
 Medicine 166100 422216 102048
 Management 224472 564122 167233