20-11  Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2011)
Item             Graduates    
New Master's Doctor's Total Master's Doctor's Master's Doctor's
Enrollment Degree Degree Enrollment Degree Degree Degree Degree
Total 560168 494609 65559 1645845 1374584 271261 429994 379705 50289
  Academic Degree 159942 158499 1443 338042 333037 5005 51239 50095 1144
Philosophy 4699 3885 814 15482 11947 3535 4851 4095 756
Economics 25301 22481 2820 67503 55563 11940 19773 17390 2383
Law 40446 36920 3526 121760 107695 14065 37086 34576 2510
Education 27112 25751 1361 71423 66684 4739 19769 18848 921
Literature 48042 45165 2877 136101 124694 11407 37735 35494 2241
History 5705 4767 938 18229 14236 3993 5329 4493 836
Science 57688 44894 12794 181072 134463 46609 47731 37850 9881
Engineering 195082 170478 24604 587587 476320 111267 145303 127600 17703
Agriculture 20063 17084 2979 56119 44396 11723 12845 10604 2241
Medicine 60831 52721 8110 181129 152497 28632 49039 42048 6991
Military 261 217 44 854 648 206 211 177 34
Management 74938 70246 4692 208586 185441 23145 50322 46530 3792
Regular 541077 482195 58882 1588462 1340435 248027 415687 371223 44464
  Academic Degree 157738 156295 1443 333352 328347 5005 50937 49793 1144
Philosophy 4551 3790 761 15019 11663 3356 4708 3994 714
Economics 24680 22118 2562 65659 54561 11098 19232 17061 2171
Law 39581 36202 3379 119286 105691 13595 36451 34063 2388
Education 27027 25706 1321 71179 66568 4611 19706 18817 889
Literature 47770 44984 2786 135225 124110 11115 37496 35320 2176
History 5623 4702 921 17981 14059 3922 5258 4441 817
Science 50954 41408 9546 160049 124579 35470 42711 35692 7019
Engineering 187520 165058 22462 564892 461474 103418 139653 123849 15804
Agriculture 19115 16415 2700 53402 42576 10826 12164 10135 2029
Medicine 59946 52068 7878 178601 150714 27887 48342 41565 6777
Military 260 216 44 851 645 206 209 175 34
Management 74050 69528 4522 206318 183795 22523 49757 46111 3646
Research 19091 12414 6677 57383 34149 23234 14307 8482 5825
  Academic Degree 2204 2204 4690 4690 302 302
Philosophy 148 95 53 463 284 179 143 101 42
Economics 621 363 258 1844 1002 842 541 329 212
Law 865 718 147 2474 2004 470 635 513 122
Education 85 45 40 244 116 128 63 31 32
Literature 272 181 91 876 584 292 239 174 65
History 82 65 17 248 177 71 71 52 19
Science 6734 3486 3248 21023 9884 11139 5020 2158 2862
Engineering 7562 5420 2142 22695 14846 7849 5650 3751 1899
Agriculture 948 669 279 2717 1820 897 681 469 212
Medicine 885 653 232 2528 1783 745 697 483 214
Military 1 1 3 3 2 2
Management 888 718 170 2268 1646 622 565 419 146