19-13  Number of Listed Companies
National Shanghai Shenzhen A Shares B Shares A&B Shares
  Stock Stock      
  Exchange Exchange      
1990 10 8 2
1991 14 8 6
1992 53 29 24
1993 183 106 77 177 41 35
1994 291 171 120 287 58 54
1995 323 188 135 311 70 58
1996 530 293 237 514 85 69
1997 745 383 362 720 101 76
1998 851 438 413 825 106 80
1999 949 484 465 922 108 81
2000 1088 572 516 1060 114 86
2001 1160 646 514 1140 112 92
2002 1224 715 509 1213 111 100
2003 1287 780 507 1277 111 101
2004 1377 837 540 1363 110 96
2005 1381 834 547 1358 109 86
2006 1434 842 592 1411 109 86
2007 1550 860 690 1527 109 86
2008 1625 864 761 1602 109 86
2009 1718 870 848 1696 108 86
2010 2063 894 1169 2041 108 86
2011 2342 931 1411 2320 108 86
a) New statistical classification is used in this table in accordance with the suggestion of China Securities Regulatory Commission.