19-11  Statistics on Social Financing and Its Composition
  (100 million yuan)
Social  RMB Loans Foreign Currency Credit  Entrusted  Undiscounted  Corporate Domestic Equity
Financing   Loans (RMB) Loans Loans Bankers'   Bonds Financing of 
          Acceptances   Non-financial 
2002 20112 18475 731 175 -695 367 628
2003 34113 27652 2285 601 2010 499 559
2004 28629 22673 1381 3118 -290 467 673
2005 30008 23544 1415 1961 24 2010 339
2006 42696 31523 1459 2695 825 1500 2310 1536
2007 59663 36323 3864 3371 1702 6701 2284 4333
2008 69802 49041 1947 4262 3144 1064 5523 3324
2009 139104 95942 9265 6780 4364 4606 12367 3350
2010 140191 79451 4855 8748 3865 23346 11063 5786
2011 128286 74715 5712 12962 2034 10271 13658 4377
a) Social Financing refers to the total funds raised by real economy from the financial system in a certain period of time. It's an increment.
b) Data of the current period are preliminary statistics. 
c) RMB loans are published data.