6-14  Foreign Investment Actually Utilized by Countries or Regions
(USD 10 000)
Country (Region) 2010 2011
Foreign Other Foreign Other
Direct Foreign Direct Foreign
Investment Investment Investment Investment
  Total 10573235 308622 11600985 168745
  Asia 7759215 243721 8951427 105239
      Afghanistan 1240 76
      Bahrain 105
      Bangladesh 18 495
      Brunei 30956 25582
      Myanmar 352 1021
      Cambodia 1035 1737
      Cyprus 1756 667
      Korea DPR 1122 84
      Hong Kong, China 6056677 67314 7050016 78795
      India 4931 4217
      Indonesia 7684 4607
      Iran 1786 787
      Iraq 212 99
      Israel 2596 4394 1468
      Japan 408372 163597 632963 24976
      Jordan 640 631
      Kuwait 47 25
      LaoPDR 945 588
      Lebanon 249 215
      Macao, China 65524 44 68043
      Malaysia 29433 35828
      Mongolia 325
      Nepal 25
      Oman 5
      Pakistan 570 971
      Palestine 6 80
      Philippines 13806 150 11185
      Qatar 51 73
      Saudi Arabia 48397 2394
      Singapore 542820 500 609681
      Republic of Korea 269217 100 255107
      Sri Lanka 143 68
      Syria 810 89
      Thailand 5134 10120
      Turkey 986 1485
      United Arab Emirates 11003 7140
      Republic of Yemen 2079 888
      Viet Nam 203 129
      Taiwan, China 247574 12016 218343
      Kazakhstan 155 1127
      Tajikistan 7
      Uzbekstan   457
      Other Countries (Regions) 219 15
         in Asia  
  Africa 127992 164091
      Algeria 40 29
      Angola 295 303
      Botswana   170
      Cameroon 87 21
      Congo    11
      Egypt 803 552
      Eq. Guinea   215
      Ethiopia 85
      Gambia   60
      Ghana 62
      Guinea 456 97
      Guinea-Bissau 225 302
      Kenya 48 235
      Liberia 18 5
      Libyan 5 121
      Mali   26
      Mauritius 92884 113921
      Morocco 7 4
      Namibia 875
      Niger 310
      Nigeria 500 1999
      Senegal 40
      Seychelles 22837 43333
      Sierra Leone 45 44
      South Africa 6647 1323
      Sudan   255
      Tanzania 8
      TuNiSia 683 185
      Uganda 18 488
      Zambia 407 1
      Zimbabwe 39 66
      Other Countries (Regions) 568 325
        in Africa  
  Europe 592183 5475 587654 1689
      Belgium 3838 12101
      Denmark 36537 1508 18021
      United Kingdom 71032 58152
      Germany 88840 2017 112896
      France 123820 76853 1353
      Ireland 6638 13091
      Italy 39609 38779
      Luxembourg 24550 51450
      Netherlands 91449 1887 76137
      Greece 451 215
      Portugal 1058 1334
      Spain 25449 27070 336
      Austria 12531 63 10478
      Bulgaria 1837 1441
      Finland 6452 5949
      Hungary 2369 1309
      Iceland 6 4
      Liechtenstein 212 200
      Malta 5 170
      Monaco 4
      Norway 3847 1290
      Poland 1243 701
      Romania 404 517
      Sanmarino 211
      Sweden 16105 17502
      Switzerland 26130 55474
      Estonia 22 4
      Latvia   200
      Lithuania 39 30
      Armenia   24
      Byelorussia 10 664
      Russia 3497 3102
      Ukraine 790 622
      Slovenia 69 410
      Croatia 50 15
      Czech 748 732
      Slovakia 32 486
      Other Countries (Regions) in Europe 2299 231
  Latin America 1352563 9732 1250460 43191
      Antigua and Barbuda   218
      Argentina 94 732
      Bahamas 5592 3961
      Barbados 35584 31005
      Belize 1673 2133
      Bolivia 460 189
      Brazil 5725 4304
      Cayman Islands 249880 224196
      Chile 146 1679
      Colombia 5 1
      Dominica 274 134
      Costa Rica 10 22
      Cuba 727 2300
      Dominica Rep. 50 6
      Ecuador 203 3
      Honduras 301 260
      Jamaica 20
      Mexico 1525 453
      Panama 2481 50 3845
      Paraguay 234
      Peru 2 87
      Saint Vincent & Grenadines 246 13
      Turks and Caicos Islands 164 495
      Uruguay 132 63
      Venezuela 358 209
      Virgin Islands 1044734 9682 972495 43191
      St.Kitts-Nevis 418 263
      Other Countries (Regions) in 1525 1394
        Latin America  
  North America 401372 663 358156 1627
      Canada 63485 46832
      United States 301734 663 236932 1627
      Bermuda 35963 74362
      Other Countries (Regions) in 190 30
         North America  
  Oceanic and Pacific Islands 232777 5915 261998 230
      Australia 32501 115 30953 230
      Cook Islands 300 150
      Vanuatu 2997 1002
      New Zealand 14229 7422
      Samoan 177333 5800 207623
      Marshall Islands 3031 6370
      Other Pacific Islands 1555 2331
      Other Countries (Regions) in Oceanic 831 6147
  Others 107133 43116 27199 16769
a) Other foreign investment includes the stock issued in foreign countries at the year.