14-1 Main Indicators
of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size (2011) |
(100 million yuan) |
Item |
Number |
Gross |
Revenue |
Average |
of |
Industrial |
Total |
from |
Total |
Annual |
Enter- |
Output |
Assets |
Principal |
Profits |
Number of |
prises |
Value |
Business |
Employed |
(unit) |
(current |
Persons |
prices) |
(10 000 |
persons) |
Total |
325609 |
844269 |
675797 |
841830 |
61396 |
9167.3 |
Grouped by Light & Heavy
Industries |
Light Industry |
131403 |
237700 |
155704 |
234307 |
17197 |
3528.2 |
Heavy Industry |
194206 |
606569 |
520093 |
607523 |
44199 |
5639.1 |
Grouped by Size of
Enterprises |
Large Enterprises |
9111 |
351507 |
342999 |
358893 |
26434 |
3231.6 |
Medium-sized Enterprises |
52236 |
199366 |
162942 |
195163 |
15310 |
2946.2 |
Small Enterprises |
256319 |
288178 |
165790 |
283400 |
19439 |
2957.3 |
Micro-sized Enterprises |
7943 |
5218 |
4066 |
4374 |
214 |
32.2 |
By Status of Registration |
Domestic Funded |
268393 |
625852 |
513809 |
625526 |
45902 |
6593.2 |
State-owned Enterprises |
6707 |
66673 |
88754 |
69030 |
3567 |
590.7 |
Collective-owned Enterprises |
5365 |
11059 |
5423 |
11148 |
864 |
150.5 |
Cooperative Enterprises |
2415 |
4002 |
2750 |
3936 |
375 |
47.4 |
Joint Ownership Enterprises |
506 |
1718 |
1508 |
1618 |
111 |
15.9 |
State Joint
Ownership Enterprises |
95 |
774 |
948 |
681 |
25 |
5.1 |
Joint Ownership Enterprises |
140 |
245 |
106 |
243 |
22 |
4.1 |
State-collective Enterprises |
119 |
338 |
300 |
337 |
29 |
3.5 |
Other Joint
Ownership Enterprises |
152 |
361 |
153 |
357 |
35 |
3.3 |
Limited Liability Corporations |
58626 |
196177 |
196338 |
198772 |
14260 |
2043.0 |
State Sole
Funded Corporations |
1341 |
30067 |
47366 |
31912 |
2100 |
308.2 |
Other Limited
Liability Corporations |
57285 |
166111 |
148972 |
166860 |
12160 |
1734.8 |
Share-holding Corporations
Limited |
8563 |
83464 |
84259 |
83554 |
7648 |
683.0 |
Private Enterprises |
180612 |
252326 |
127750 |
247278 |
18156 |
2956.4 |
Enterprises |
36433 |
44259 |
15322 |
43559 |
3688 |
491.0 |
Partnership Enterprises |
5928 |
6912 |
2347 |
6754 |
630 |
88.6 |
Limited Liability Corporations |
131120 |
184722 |
99632 |
181022 |
12473 |
2208.1 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
7131 |
16432 |
10449 |
15943 |
1365 |
168.7 |
Other Enterprises |
5599 |
10434 |
7028 |
10189 |
921 |
106.3 |
Enterprises with Funds from
Hong Kong, |
25952 |
77529 |
59954 |
76368 |
5521 |
1204.9 |
Macao and Taiwan |
Joint-venture Enterprises |
8547 |
27578 |
23423 |
26851 |
2008 |
332.7 |
Cooperative Enterprises |
884 |
2002 |
1523 |
1963 |
166 |
33.8 |
Enterprises with Sole Investment |
16037 |
44444 |
31631 |
44162 |
3101 |
807.5 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
448 |
3388 |
3261 |
3276 |
234 |
29.4 |
Other Enterprises with Funds
from Hong |
36 |
118 |
116 |
116 |
11 |
1.6 |
Kong, Macao and
Taiwan |
Foreign Funded Enterprises |
31264 |
140888 |
102034 |
139937 |
9973 |
1369.3 |
Joint-venture Enterprises |
11673 |
63876 |
46950 |
63535 |
5463 |
453.9 |
Cooperation Enterprises |
926 |
2968 |
2341 |
2887 |
185 |
31.2 |
Enterprises with Sole Funds |
18052 |
68938 |
47327 |
68340 |
3894 |
836.3 |
Share-holding Corporations Ltd. |
529 |
4966 |
5327 |
5046 |
424 |
44.5 |
Other Foreign Funded Enterprises |
84 |
139.48 |
89.74 |
128.34 |
7.10 |
3.34 |
Industrial enterprises above designated size are all state-owned enterprises
and non-state owned enterprises with annual revenue from principal |
business over 5 million
yuan from 1998 to 2006, and are industrial enterprise with annual revenue
from principal business over 5 million yuan, and |
are industrial enterprise
with annual revenue from prinicpal business over 20 million yuan. The same
applies to the tables following. |