10-7 Basic
Conditions of Urban Households by Income Percentile (2011) |
Item |
National |
Grouped by Percentile of Households |
Lowest |
Low |
Lower Middle |
Middle |
Upper Middle |
High |
Highest |
Income |
Poor |
Income |
Income |
Income |
Income |
Income |
Income |
Households |
Households |
Households |
Households |
Households |
Households |
Households |
Households |
(first |
(first five |
(second |
(second |
(third |
(fourth |
(ninth |
(tenth |
decile group) |
percent group) |
decile group) |
quintile group) |
quintile group) |
quintile group) |
decile group) |
decile group) |
Number of Households Surveyed
(household) |
65655 |
6505 |
3232 |
6566 |
13170 |
13178 |
13177 |
6572 |
6488 |
(%) |
100.00 |
9.91 |
4.92 |
10.00 |
20.06 |
20.07 |
20.07 |
10.01 |
9.88 |
Average Household Size
(person) |
2.87 |
3.30 |
3.32 |
3.20 |
3.01 |
2.82 |
2.67 |
2.57 |
2.53 |
Average Number of Employed Persons per
Household (person) |
1.48 |
1.29 |
1.16 |
1.51 |
1.52 |
1.49 |
1.48 |
1.48 |
1.58 |
Proportion of Employment per
(%) |
51.57 |
39.09 |
34.94 |
47.19 |
50.50 |
52.84 |
55.43 |
57.59 |
62.45 |
Number of Dependents per Employee |
1.94 |
2.56 |
2.86 |
2.12 |
1.98 |
1.89 |
1.80 |
1.74 |
1.60 |
(including the employee
himself or herself)
(person) |
Per Capita Annual Income
(yuan) |
23979.20 |
7819.44 |
6445.45 |
11751.28 |
15880.67 |
21439.70 |
29058.92 |
39215.49 |
64460.67 |
Per Capita Disposable Income
(yuan) |
21809.78 |
6876.09 |
5398.17 |
10672.02 |
14498.26 |
19544.94 |
26419.99 |
35579.24 |
58841.87 |
Per Capita Annual Expenditure
(yuan) |
20365.71 |
8147.60 |
7290.91 |
10749.19 |
13926.13 |
18386.86 |
24276.24 |
32969.21 |
51203.46 |
Per Capita Annual Consumption
(yuan) |
15160.89 |
6431.85 |
5575.56 |
8509.32 |
10872.83 |
14028.17 |
18160.91 |
23906.21 |
35183.64 |