10-3  Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Households
(100 million yuan)
Year Balance at Year-end Year-on-year Increase
Total Time Demand Total Time Demand
  Deposits Deposits   Deposits Deposits
1978 210.6 128.9 81.7 29.0 17.2 11.8
1980 395.8 304.9 90.9 114.8 138.5 -23.7
1985 1622.6 1225.2 397.4 407.9 324.3 83.6
1990 7119.6 5909.4 1210.2 1935.1 1700.9 234.2
1991 9244.9 7634.9 1610.0 2125.3 1725.5 399.8
1992 11757.3 9445.0 2312.3 2512.4 1810.1 702.3
1993 15203.5 12108.3 3095.2 3446.2 2663.3 782.9
1994 21518.8 16838.7 4680.1 6315.3 4730.4 1584.9
1995 29662.3 23778.3 5884.1 8143.5 6939.6 1203.9
1996 38520.8 30873.2 7647.6 8858.6 7095.0 1763.6
1997 46279.8 36226.7 10053.1 7759.0 5353.5 2405.4
1998 53407.5 41791.6 11615.9 7127.7 5564.8 1562.8
1999 59621.8 44955.1 14666.7 6214.4 3163.5 3050.8
2000 64332.4 46141.7 18190.7 4710.6 1186.6 3524.0
2001 73762.4 51434.9 22327.6 9430.1 5293.2 4136.9
2002 86910.7 58788.9 28121.7 13148.2 7354.1 5794.1
2003 103617.7 68498.7 35119.0 16707.0 9709.7 6997.3
2004 119555.4 78138.9 41416.5 15937.7 9640.2 6297.6
2005 141051.0 92263.5 48787.5 21495.6 14124.7 7370.9
2006 161587.3 103011.4 58575.9 20544.0 10777.3 9766.7
2007 172534.2 104934.5 67599.7 10946.9 1923.1 9023.8
2008 217885.4 139300.2 78585.2 45351.2 34365.7 10985.5
2009 260771.7 160230.4 100541.3 42886.3 20930.2 21956.1
2010 303302.5 178413.9 124888.6 42530.8 18183.5 24347.3
2011 343635.9 41656.6
a) Since 2011, savings deposit of urban and rural households do not divide into time deposits and demand deposits.