9-1  Price Indices
  (preceding year=100)
Year Consumer   Retail Producer Purchasing Price Index for
Price Urban Rural Price Price Index Price Index  Investment
Index Household Household Index for Industrial for Industrial in Fixed Assets
        Products Producers  
1978 100.7 100.7                100.7 100.1  
1980 107.5 107.5                106.0 100.5  
1985 109.3 111.9 107.6 108.8 108.7  
1990 103.1 101.3 104.5 102.1 104.1 105.6 108.0
1995 117.1 116.8 117.5 114.8 114.9 115.3 105.9
1996 108.3 108.8 107.9 106.1 102.9 103.9 104.0
1997 102.8 103.1 102.5 100.8 99.7 101.3 101.7
1998 99.2 99.4 99.0 97.4 95.9 95.8 99.8
1999 98.6 98.7 98.5 97.0 97.6 96.7 99.6
2000 100.4 100.8 99.9 98.5 102.8 105.1 101.1
2001 100.7 100.7 100.8 99.2 98.7 99.8 100.4
2002 99.2 99.0 99.6 98.7 97.8 97.7 100.2
2003 101.2 100.9 101.6 99.9 102.3 104.8 102.2
2004 103.9 103.3 104.8 102.8 106.1 111.4 105.6
2005 101.8 101.6 102.2 100.8 104.9 108.3 101.6
2006 101.5 101.5 101.5 101.0 103.0 106.0 101.5
2007 104.8 104.5 105.4 103.8 103.1 104.4 103.9
2008 105.9 105.6 106.5 105.9 106.9 110.5 108.9
2009 99.3 99.1 99.7 98.8 94.6 92.1 97.6
2010 103.3 103.2 103.6 103.1 105.5 109.6 103.6
2011 105.4 105.3 105.8 104.9 106.0 109.1 106.6
a) From 2011, the producer price index for manufactured goods and the purchasing price index for raw materials, fuel and power changed to the 
    producer price index for industrial products and the purchasing price index for industrial producers.The same applies to the tables following.