7-4  Petroleum Balance Sheet
  (10 000 tons)
Item 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
  Total Energy Available for Consumption 11435.0 16072.7 22631.8 32539.1 44178.4
      Output 13830.6 15005.0 16300.0 18135.3 20301.4
      Imports 755.6 3673.2 9748.5 17163.2 29437.2
      Exports (-) 3110.4 2454.5 2172.1 2888.1 4079.0
      Stock Changes in the Year -40.8 -151.0 -1244.6 128.8 -1481.2
  Total Energy Consumption 11485.6 16064.9 22495.9 32537.7 43245.2
      Consumption by Sector                      
         Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry,  
            Fishery and Water Conservancy 1033.6 1203.2 788.5 1451.7 1382.5
         Industry 7321.6 9349.3 11248.5 14245.1 17448.8
         Construction 327.3 242.8 840.6 1502.2 3045.1
         Transport, Storage and Post  
  1683.2 2863.6 6399.0 10709.5 14870.3
         Wholesale and Retail Trades,  
           Hotels and Catering Services 77.6 333.9 247.0 375.6 481.0
         Other Sectors 757.8 1390.3 1635.9 1969.2 2556.7
         Non-production Consumption 284.5 682.0 1336.5 2284.4 3460.8
      Consumption by Usage  
         End-use Consumption 9304.7 13676.3 19950.1 29191.6 40393.7
            Industry 5180.4 7095.5 8860.0 11027.5 14757.8
         Intermediate Consumption                      
           (Consumed in Conversion) 1630.4 2230.0 2352.9 3190.7 2657.1
            Power Generation 1234.4 1358.5 1178.2 1602.0 459.1
            Heating 356.3 399.9 427.0 407.6 593.1
            Gas Production 39.7 51.6 25.9 14.4
         Losses in Petroleum Refining 295.8 420.1 721.9 1166.7 1604.8
         Other Losses 254.7 158.6 192.9 155.4 194.4
  Balance -50.6 7.8 135.8 1.4 933.3
a) Data on output refer to the output of crude oil.
b) The refueling by Chinese ships and airplanes abroad is included in imports. The refueling by foreign 
     ships and airplanes in China is included  in exports.