7-3  Overall Energy Balance Sheet
  (10 000 tons of SCE)
Item 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
  Total Energy Available for Consumption 96138 129535 142605 232225 339687
      Primary Energy Output 103922 129034 135048 216219 296916
      Recovery of Energy           2312 1760 2939 5143
      Imports 1310 5456 14334 26952 55736
      Exports (-) 5875 6776 9633 11448 8846
      Stock Changes in the Year -3219 -491 1097 -2436 -9262
  Total Energy Consumption 98703 131176 145531 235997 324939
      Consumption by Sector                         
        Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry,  
           Fishery and Water Conservancy 4852 5505 3914 6071 6477
        Industry 67578 96191 103774 168724 231102
        Construction 1213 1335 2179 3403 6226
        Transport, Storage and Post  
  4541 5863 11242 18391 26068
        Wholesale and Retail Trades,  
           Hotels and Catering Services 1247 2018 3048 4848 6827
        Other Sectors 3473 4519 5762 9255 13681
        Household Consumption 15799 15745 15614 25305 34558
      Consumption by Usage                       
         End-use Consumption 94289 124252 139008 225690 305010
               Industry 63239 89473 97597 158767 211626
         Losses During the Process  2264 3634 2461 3823 11073
           of Energy Conversion  
              Coking 905            525 702 1480
              Petroleum Refining 326            781 1305 2142
         Energy Losses 2150 3289 4062 6483 8857
  Balance -2565 -1641 -2926 -3772 14748
a) Electric power and heat are converted on the basis of equal caloric value. Therefore, losses during the
    process of energy conversion do not include losses in power generation and heating. Energy consumption
     of industry include that of village industry. The same applies to the tables following.
b) The refueling by Chinese ships and airplanes abroad is included in imports. The refueling by foreign
      ships and airplanes in China is included in exports.