5-25  Construction Size of Main Production Capacity in the Whole Country (2011)
Item Total Under Started Accumulated Newly
Construction Construction This Year Newly Increased
Size This Year   Increased This Year
  Coal Mining                        (10 000 tons/year) 170473 131377 60740 59655 41281
  Coke                                    (10 000 tons/year) 23010 18661 9318 10180 7078
  Petroleum Extraction          (10 000 tons/year) 47719 4168 2865 3815 3490
  Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 507 464 386 368 315
                                     (100 million cu.m/year)  
  Iron Ore Mining                 (10 000 tons/year) 35215 25156 17516 20565 16256
  Pig Iron                               (10 000 tons/year) 8421 7234 4514 3999 3471
  Steel-making                       (10 000 tons/year) 5922 4872 3204 2853 2481
  Iron Alloy                           (standard ton/year) 1112549 1109302 597669 435200 431530
  Copper Ore Mining             (10 000 tons/year) 14804 13353 3253 11014 9922
  Copper Ore Dressing  
     Crude Ore Dressing         (10 000 tons/year) 5109 4801 2953 2606 1322
     Copper Content                            (ton/year) 248993 223851 85771 49772 37470
  Copper Smelting                               (ton/year) 3801700 2597460 1304290 2214700 1828610
     Electrolytic Copper                       (ton/year) 1799000 1094000 485000 929000 712000
  Plumbum/Zinc Ore Mining (10 000 tons/year) 51470 51262 18419 3794 3365
  Plumbum and Zinc Ore Dressing  
      Crude Ore Dressing        (10 000 tons/year) 3229 3073 2137 1854 1556
      Plumbum Content                         (ton/year) 256672 244672 213096 201609 174629
      Zinc Content                                 (ton/year) 325433 322133 261201 234005 65305
  Plumbum Smelting                          (ton/year) 1363634 1086594 577954 1074194 776874
      Electrolytic Plumbum                   (ton/year) 501530 501530 401530 401530 401530
  Zinc Smelting                                   (ton/year) 2248227 1803227 1101225 1018222 842220
     Electrolytic Zinc                            (ton/year) 1206000 986000 725000 666000 605000
  Aluminum Oxide                             (ton/year) 11553480 9489617 5139617 1653240 1653240
  Electrolytic  Aluminum                   (ton/year) 5892396 3647183 2323448 2773348 2073348
  Hydraulic Power                          (10 000 kw) 19961 11634 1777 5860 1477
  Fire Power                                    (10 000 kw) 17568 13919 4145 7069 5608
  Nuclear Energy Source                 (10 000 kw) 2907 2056 300 379 175
    4566 3876 2447 2488 2027
  Other Power                                 (10 000 kw) 1251 1105 676 668 514
  Cement                               (10 000 tons/year) 81839 64823 37872 45857 36946
  Plate Glass              (10 000 Weight-box/year) 27989 25015 14121 11621 9009
  Calcium Carbide                             (ton/year) 10120207 7286777 2900777 4218207 3628297
  Nitrogen Fertilizers                             (ton/year) 19866823 15340434 10387233 7689388 4327923
  Phosphate Fertilizer                            (ton/year) 4110966 3581882 2709446 1979701 1635817
  Potash Fertilizer                                  (ton/year) 4911865 3223665 957565 3238899 1752160
  Plastic Colophony and Polymer          (ton/year) 15824064 12738977 9251167 4511022 4216587
  Tire (Cover)                         (10 000 units/year) 20942 20145 7725 10792 9744
   Inner Tube                           (10 000 units/year) 5510 3825 1933 3640 2055
  Trucks                                                (unit/year) 982700 776278 367778 327274 290578
  Passenger Motor Vehicles                 (unit/year) 1203231 758359 322470 383628 371708
  Cars                                                    (unit/year) 6421500 4847339 2569339 1834461 1226339
  Other Motor Vehicles                        (unit/year) 1164014 511402 335908 510693 209992
  Television Sets                     (10 000 units/year) 622 468 364 431 384
  Chemical Fibre                                   (ton/year) 12844114 11591626 6504500 4984229 4835546
  Cotton Spindles                                         (unit) 22009474 19542457 13275293 12709127 11104767
  Wool Spindles                                            (unit) 861800 460800 410800 559100 357351
  Beer                                        (10 000 tons/year) 886 651 385 543 376
  Distilled Spirit                       (10 000 tons/year) 1099 832 222 226 199
  Other Alcohols                      (10 000 tons/year) 73 66 25 30 26
  Cigarettes                                           (box/year) 2087000 1947000 337000 1527000 1097000
  Machine-made Paper Pulp    (10 000 tons/year) 585 380 237 225 214
  Household Refrigerator         (10 000 unit/year) 2131 1943 803 1053 965
  Household Washing Machine (10 000 unit/year) 940 940 240 739 739
  Length of Newly-built and 35317 29341 1919 8128 3657
     Operating Railway                                   (km)  
  Length of New Highways                           (km) 129907 96820 59818 67410 55041
  Length of Reconstructed Highways            (km) 120395 112419 79577 90277 76299
  Newly-built or Expanded Ports  
     Annual Handling Capacity (10 000 tons/year) 101847 83541 29013 31954 25417
     Berths                                                      (unit) 874 763 329 264 202
  Tap Water Supply Capacity    (10 000 tons/day) 34080 32729 1624 2224 1569