5-7 Total Investment in Fixed Assets in the Whole Country by Sector
(100 million yuan)
Total Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public International
  Forestry,     and Supply   Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation   and Research, of Water Households   Social Sports Management Organizations
  Animal     of Electricity,   and Post Computer Retail Catering     Business Technical Conservancy, and   Securities and and Social  
  Husbandry     Gas and Water     Services and Trades Services     Services Services, and Environment Other   and Social Entertainment Organizations  
  and Fishery           Software           Geological and Public Services   Welfare      
                          Prospecting Facilities            
  2003 55566.6 1652.3 1775.2 14689.5 3962.4 924.4 6289.4 1660.7 922.7 423.0 90.2 13143.4 375.5 285.8 4365.8 241.6 1671.1 405.8 531.5 2153.7 2.5
  2004 70477.4 1890.7 2395.9 19585.5 5795.1 964.0 7646.2 1657.7 1273.0 560.8 136.0 16678.9 420.8 333.1 5071.7 313.7 2024.8 516.7 773.4 2437.4 2.0
  2005 88773.6 2323.7 3587.4 26576.0 7554.4 1119.0 9614.0 1581.8 1716.4 808.8 109.5 19505.3 549.6 435.1 6274.3 363.5 2209.2 661.8 857.0 2926.8 0.2
  2006 109998.2 2749.9 4678.4 34089.5 8585.7 1125.5 12138.1 1875.9 2265.3 1095.7 121.4 24524.4 725.6 495.3 8152.7 389.5 2270.2 769.0 955.4 2990.5 0.1
  2007 137323.9 3403.5 5878.8 44505.1 9467.6 1302.3 14154.0 1848.1 2880.3 1519.4 157.6 32438.9 949.3 560.0 10154.3 434.7 2375.6 885.0 1243.4 3166.1
  2008 172828.4 5064.5 7705.8 56702.4 10997.2 1555.9 17024.4 2162.6 3741.8 1959.2 260.6 40441.8 1355.9 782.0 13534.3 522.0 2523.8 1155.6 1589.9 3748.5 0.3
  2009 224598.8 6894.9 9210.8 70612.9 14434.6 1992.5 24974.7 2589.0 5132.8 2625.4 360.2 49358.5 2036.2 1200.8 19874.4 801.9 3521.2 1858.6 2383.4 4735.9 0.2
  2010 278121.9 7923.1 11000.9 88619.2 15679.7 2802.2 30074.5 2454.5 6032.2 3366.8 489.4 64877.3 2692.6 1379.3 24827.6 1114.1 4033.6 2119.0 2959.4 5676.6
  2011 311485.1 8757.8 11747.0 102712.9 14659.7 3357.1 28291.7 2174.4 7439.4 3956.6 638.7 81686.1 3382.8 1679.8 24523.1 1443.3 3894.6 2330.3 3162.0 5647.8
    Beijing 5578.9 47.2 8.7 570.2 161.8 10.3 506.0 112.9 28.7 38.1 38.1 3241.7 46.2 92.0 380.7 11.5 133.0 48.1 55.0 48.8
    Tianjin 7067.7 151.2 227.5 2546.4 235.2 52.6 506.5 70.3 129.0 57.3 34.7 1357.2 478.5 24.6 794.2 94.4 70.6 21.1 105.1 111.1
    Hebei 16389.3 590.4 576.0 6129.0 717.0 42.0 1433.1 78.6 440.3 130.4 24.1 4437.6 80.8 73.5 1067.3 69.3 143.3 91.0 157.8 107.8
    Shanxi 7073.1 271.2 1425.9 1365.4 547.6 9.6 935.8 26.0 148.2 51.7 1.7 1478.7 15.8 24.2 490.3 9.6 125.5 52.0 77.7 16.2
    Inner Mongolia 10365.2 490.3 975.6 2787.5 1144.3 103.4 988.0 70.4 347.2 87.3 45.2 1861.2 97.7 51.2 822.0 21.0 142.3 60.3 71.4 199.0
    Liaoning 17726.3 536.9 546.6 5976.4 698.4 245.6 909.4 105.5 532.0 323.7 56.7 4884.5 410.4 107.8 1489.2 156.5 178.1 93.0 184.3 291.1
    Jilin 7441.7 320.0 394.6 3207.1 386.9 38.8 497.8 38.1 243.5 53.4 4.9 1480.6 33.1 28.8 437.3 35.3 59.7 41.0 72.7 68.2
    Heilongjiang 7475.4 655.7 567.8 2012.7 364.9 246.1 572.7 82.4 211.1 62.0 9.3 1731.2 77.3 30.6 497.7 32.2 69.0 59.2 63.8 130.0
    Shanghai 4962.1 18.6 0.6 1097.5 159.0 12.9 519.8 82.2 52.3 36.1 23.3 2309.7 50.8 50.5 363.1 3.3 46.9 66.3 39.4 29.8
    Jiangsu 26692.6 225.4 68.0 13103.6 629.3 156.2 1225.6 180.4 609.4 344.5 55.4 6746.6 394.2 226.1 1736.2 159.1 218.8 145.7 209.8 258.2
    Zhejiang 14185.3 131.6 25.0 4504.7 618.9 39.3 1119.2 138.4 226.5 163.8 25.1 5287.2 119.7 49.7 1187.2 24.8 148.7 94.3 114.6 166.7
    Anhui 12455.7 256.4 305.5 5072.9 335.8 269.6 464.8 58.4 253.1 170.5 58.2 3582.5 139.6 57.4 822.5 28.4 177.5 96.7 109.7 196.1
    Fujian 9910.9 175.7 111.1 3064.8 538.1 30.9 1207.6 106.7 172.1 142.7 23.2 2877.6 87.0 35.8 809.1 16.2 147.8 60.0 129.2 175.3
    Jiangxi 9087.6 235.1 228.7 4644.4 276.9 57.6 456.8 44.5 283.5 205.4 23.6 1349.4 87.4 23.7 744.1 52.9 106.3 74.3 106.5 86.6
    Shandong 26749.7 731.7 592.6 10808.1 632.6 440.6 1456.8 69.1 950.0 408.8 33.3 6550.1 251.4 238.4 1351.3 350.5 273.4 191.4 544.8 874.8
    Henan 17769.0 720.9 717.4 7903.6 492.3 14.4 812.5 31.9 409.8 175.2 16.6 4454.9 56.4 41.3 1283.8 68.7 230.4 157.4 110.4 70.9
    Hubei 12557.3 339.2 229.1 4733.9 427.4 33.2 1030.8 82.2 397.2 212.9 30.3 2828.9 103.8 38.2 1124.1 45.0 151.8 128.5 121.3 499.6
    Hunan 11880.9 399.6 442.2 3929.1 471.6 92.3 1171.7 73.0 360.5 169.2 19.6 2654.8 195.1 102.3 1092.3 56.3 157.4 129.7 94.5 269.8
    Guangdong 17069.2 302.1 74.7 4523.3 924.5 28.6 1677.2 243.3 421.9 288.2 30.6 5874.7 202.9 124.0 1608.1 40.4 279.2 127.8 189.9 107.8
    Guangxi 7990.7 314.3 250.6 2291.0 398.3 24.8 791.8 93.2 143.0 104.7 17.8 2050.6 87.1 20.6 948.9 19.2 162.2 72.5 94.4 105.7
    Hainan 1657.2 24.2 14.9 132.6 119.6 30.7 100.3 29.1 7.0 148.4 6.4 779.2 4.4 3.7 108.0 0.5 29.2 36.7 46.2 36.1
    Chongqing 7473.4 323.6 148.3 2056.1 277.8 300.5 714.7 47.8 81.0 45.4 2.5 2298.3 23.4 14.8 770.0 33.1 90.9 44.8 58.2 142.2
    Sichuan 14222.2 361.6 409.2 3893.2 1048.1 11.5 1742.7 79.9 223.8 155.3 31.8 3993.9 135.4 44.6 1371.9 31.6 208.4 124.0 140.6 214.6
    Guizhou 4235.9 83.2 407.8 792.4 317.2 24.9 588.9 15.5 35.8 41.3 0.9 1148.4 10.5 7.3 636.6 4.8 54.3 15.5 20.5 30.1
    Yunnan 6191.0 153.9 262.0 988.3 783.1 65.1 904.0 49.2 254.2 116.9 4.1 1640.7 41.0 33.5 471.6 18.2 125.5 62.2 100.5 116.9
    Tibet 516.3 24.2 15.3 34.8 65.1 31.2 146.1 6.0 3.4 13.4 0.5 52.1 1.7 0.8 43.5 1.8 15.9 7.1 11.7 41.9
    Shaanxi 9431.1 393.2 892.2 1877.0 303.6 320.3 809.0 62.7 272.8 128.1 2.9 2306.5 110.7 56.0 1030.5 31.4 155.4 119.3 54.9 504.7
    Gansu 3965.8 128.6 213.7 735.0 486.4 480.8 252.5 32.5 101.6 42.2 10.4 688.7 15.4 23.0 261.1 17.9 63.8 49.2 36.1 326.9
    Qinghai 1435.6 85.0 88.0 360.0 181.5 34.1 134.0 0.6 13.3 7.7 0.3 334.0 7.5 6.3 59.2 3.6 45.4 18.0 14.0 43.1
    Ningxia 1644.7 47.8 124.8 423.2 241.6 28.1 105.5 16.3 41.6 11.1 2.7 416.6 0.8 1.3 96.8 1.5 27.1 11.6 11.1 35.4
    Xinjiang 4632.1 219.2 653.1 1148.4 569.5 81.3 387.8 47.6 45.6 20.8 4.7 988.0 16.9 17.6 195.6 4.2 57.0 31.9 15.9 127.1
    Not Classified 5651.3 749.4 105.4 4122.3 30.3 428.7 215.1
     by Region