4-16 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Private Units by Sector and Region (2011) 
Total Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public
  Forestry,     and   Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation   and Research, of Water Households   Social Sports Management
  Animal     Distribution   and Post Computer Retail Catering     Business Technical Conservancy, and   Securities and and Social
  Husbandry     of Electricity,     Service and Trades Services     Services Services, and Environment Other   and Social Entertainment Organization
  and Fishery     Gas and Water     Software           Geological and Public Services   Welfare    
                          Prospecting Facilities          
 National Average 24556 19223 25519 24138 22091 26108 25949 35562 22791 20882 28664 27017 27115 31320 22958 20543 23636 25590 22666 11738
  Beijing        34235 20255 26193 30420 31309 29934 29582 55164 30878 25342 36619 37308 38986 37211 33947 22654 38095 38342 31222 18889
  Tianjin        29547 31940 46007 28905 22643 29177 30246 41082 29350 23126 31071 59689 27931 29137 24996 20204 33398 26900 24716 28482
  Hebei          21729 20351 23898 22159 22424 22670 26010 18638 19731 18856 21833 21833 20673 22348 18668 20621 20867 20810 18438 18736
  Shanxi         19007 14225 26557 18418 17650 21658 18595 17068 16798 16722 19208 19268 16156 16919 18103 16748 15823 18040 15713
  Inner Mongolia 25983 21042 30465 25042 29923 31367 25064 22776 21235 20448 28300 25394 21793 25341 23084 21508 22731 24141 22681 23538
  Liaoning       22896 19252 22216 22621 22271 24386 23231 27423 20516 21787 23218 25314 25673 23485 20751 19711 23160 21869 23931 18346
  Jilin          19458 15486 23379 18099 16377 21265 20080 25738 19944 19116 25886 21794 20794 25566 17609 18084 20723 26386 17580
  Heilongjiang   19615 14987 24074 19719 18382 20819 18288 23808 18716 18264 25920 20747 15444 26316 16800 13867 18795 18960 15580
  Shanghai       25880 18613 25150 24775 26348 28321 48317 22048 23530 30546 24847 28864 34288 23001 18420 31802 31906 24795
  Jiangsu        27500 21117 23583 27527 27716 29302 27198 30949 25848 25038 26207 28671 27536 31373 25654 24564 27287 30235 24560
  Zhejiang       27572 24954 28999 26622 28981 29689 30635 30692 26801 23467 41807 30656 29446 36251 24001 21045 29779 34078 25900
  Anhui          23810 20280 29093 23398 19110 27215 23859 20376 18841 19904 18673 22007 20114 22650 24606 17808 18362 23271 18423 17137
  Fujian         25559 24127 27243 24428 23309 27769 28375 29480 24404 20864 31083 30429 27155 29222 20633 22969 24968 28761 21956
  Jiangxi        21030 18962 25332 20916 21270 23481 20665 20003 16814 17656 23028 24029 23155 20663 20469 15868 25882 21441 19797 7466
  Shandong       24772 23421 24607 24514 22003 25452 27050 26919 24252 23814 26837 26902 28151 28155 25957 24976 25531 26205 23885 19000
  Henan          18749 14364 21144 18188 16119 21607 19600 18550 17087 16807 16894 20679 19364 24949 17755 16217 18859 20492 16542 15545
  Hubei          20788 15813 21906 20144 19052 22021 18429 50207 18672 18200 32873 29202 19985 27259 17344 17626 22486 21254 19628 14457
  Hunan          21483 16662 25020 21823 21852 22773 21436 24650 17406 17369 20494 22964 21351 21039 21874 19547 24215 24980 19564 10275
  Guangdong      26621 19876 23860 25938 17114 25821 34816 43688 28314 22737 33237 30773 29702 43915 26408 25767 23588 35159 24826 23625
  Guangxi        20471 16264 18826 20154 17146 22118 23585 17078 19489 17146 20715 27177 20470 24076 16255 18426 18789 22017 16158 16959
  Hainan         21278 15076 24596 20263 16882 24377 19019 20373 21795 16727 27145 25394 21632 28067 28392 16084 17130 24839 20044 6571
  Chongqing      26251 18791 29677 25955 25185 27628 24192 29325 23069 20694 37415 27521 25914 25626 22350 20861 24024 29376 22117 20057
  Sichuan        22175 19331 26594 21878 23291 22122 22429 24324 20329 19458 24439 24187 21598 26357 24150 20238 21864 25230 23169
  Guizhou        23006 13590 29623 19578 36477 21086 19122 29847 16596 15908 46412 23922 14750 24132 12047 14688 19841 22450 14255 14939
  Yunnan         19882 15733 21121 17939 20032 23437 20005 19439 17810 18207 26177 17134 14788 25059 22293 14966 16528 18807 17307 15310
  Shaanxi        18844 14606 23581 17360 18729 19578 21377 22211 19010 17958 20486 24642 21519 27924 15474 18306 23002 21240 19358 10006
  Gansu          16731 15722 21273 14639 19360 18834 17207 21060 15464 15259 18577 17297 18595 19531 17083 14895 16090 19065 16193 11059
  Qinghai        20646 14515 20814 22084 22803 21598 19223 17376 18826 19477 18112 18369 20773 22629 16724 18153 19216 17960 14116
  Ningxia        22515 17884 21959 23853 18630 23403 20719 16305 19886 19941 25575 22996 20593 25655 18423 19302 19879 20950 23368 13518
  Xinjiang       24771 19691 32945 24004 21488 29929 25992 20089 21581 19907 31007 26365 20673 25645 19232 17760 20267 23299 20385