4-15 Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector
Total Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public
  Forestry,     and   Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation   and Research, of Water Households   Social Sports Management
  Animal     Distribution   and Post Computer Retail Catering     Business Technical Conservancy, and   Securities and and Social
  Husbandry     of Electricity,     Service and Trades Services     Services Services, and Environment Other   and Social Entertainment Organization
  and Fishery     Gas and Water     Software           Geological and Public Services   Welfare    
                          Prospecting Facilities          
2003 13969 6884 13627 12671 18574 11328 15753 30897 10894 11198 20780 17085 17020 20442 11774 12665 14189 16185 17098 15355
2004 15920 7497 16774 14251 21543 12578 18071 33449 13012 12618 24299 18467 18723 23351 12884 13680 16085 18386 20522 17372
2005 18200 8207 20449 15934 24750 14112 20911 38799 15256 13876 29229 20253 21233 27155 14322 15747 18259 20808 22670 20234
2006 20856 9269 24125 18225 28424 16164 24111 43435 17796 15236 35495 22238 24510 31644 15630 18030 20918 23590 25847 22546
2007 24721 10847 28185 21144 33470 18482 27903 47700 21074 17046 44011 26085 27807 38432 18383 20370 25908 27892 30430 27731
2008 28898 12560 34233 24404 38515 21223 32041 54906 25818 19321 53897 30118 32915 45512 21103 22858 29831 32185 34158 32296
2009 32244 14356 38038 26810 41869 24161 35315 58154 29139 20860 60398 32242 35494 50143 23159 25172 34543 35662 37755 35326
2010 36539 16717 44196 30916 47309 27529 40466 64436 33635 23382 70146 35870 39566 56376 25544 28206 38968 40232 41428 38242
2011 41799 19469 52230 36665 52723 32103 47078 70918 40654 27486 81109 42837 46976 64252 28868 33169 43194 46206 47878 42062
  Beijing        75482 34110 74247 56742 83059 52455 59540 116755 70711 37830 172621 57579 83007 97658 47630 34498 74161 82308 92617 66038
  Tianjin        55658 46948 74009 49023 86265 43161 64805 74804 48772 25290 97006 120379 34266 91848 48688 26054 70240 67192 59627 71673
  Hebei          35309 12878 57900 32695 51664 27425 38548 46842 24449 21791 53190 30640 23881 59318 23982 40374 36128 33150 30311 31284
  Shanxi         39230 23573 64539 30182 50878 30399 44355 35697 23613 17239 55125 21937 24091 37549 19454 22575 35039 28405 29377 30012
  Inner Mongolia 41118 22939 51159 36330 52587 28612 47775 40857 28651 25385 55530 33144 37799 45750 31597 43476 50992 44996 44326 47346
  Liaoning       38154 11478 49014 36417 46134 30332 43728 60766 31952 26046 60859 32183 28859 54741 26725 28378 44795 40713 40272 39177
  Jilin          33610 19467 35981 35704 35601 26578 38722 38956 27082 21901 54512 27748 31161 46102 20112 27373 36211 33065 30467 31765
  Heilongjiang   31302 15069 44726 31197 40677 26155 37930 45331 28649 23462 49143 26558 32841 47545 20115 35488 37095 36158 32918 34016
  Shanghai       75591 45858 95958 61491 101211 59603 65455 120196 82882 38462 170086 62340 76802 120307 48431 43413 82315 92619 81409 89882
  Jiangsu        45487 23319 47936 37720 74137 33549 44266 72919 37256 27236 86520 48591 33643 70982 35896 41160 54499 53117 52576 64229
  Zhejiang       45162 37570 35070 35363 82886 31590 54242 83493 45488 29056 112458 48153 39205 64799 36731 39230 66361 70101 61695 69421
  Anhui          39352 19443 65805 36355 47113 35319 36103 41378 30234 22511 52780 32958 37525 43177 25330 27929 37721 38420 34353 37899
  Fujian         38588 22021 33539 33341 57728 36770 45761 59763 37998 26577 84296 43969 32928 49201 31336 35808 46832 50672 41715 47138
  Jiangxi        33239 19765 36496 31158 43449 29175 46120 37676 29148 21290 47112 33475 32529 37628 21789 29392 34940 37542 32519 34013
  Shandong       37618 28329 53767 32069 45874 31101 46016 52186 28807 25926 61416 32966 35000 52518 28827 45264 41988 43101 43492 39284
  Henan          33634 20492 52619 30012 40672 28170 37067 38208 26913 24604 47749 34062 28474 39277 27486 25338 36082 35216 31249 30691
  Hubei          36128 22045 35715 35824 46928 33600 40364 39229 29285 23169 58104 35569 30806 48816 24867 29296 35859 38436 35310 36364
  Hunan          34586 16878 31827 35652 39249 27890 39267 41330 33143 23623 56704 33394 27804 41841 22051 31027 35044 42073 38532 32611
  Guangdong      45060 16790 53944 35772 64475 32872 54890 72847 44000 28376 97916 45109 47537 78743 35804 33954 48342 57684 53259 57500
  Guangxi        33032 18387 33527 30206 42794 29311 38229 43143 29757 20310 64836 29253 25081 38626 21488 24978 32909 37358 31609 34830
  Hainan         36244 21906 39104 30601 42392 31560 50691 65525 29966 22449 67337 33787 24530 37584 24340 23229 46225 43210 34700 43316
  Chongqing      39430 31330 37703 36466 58756 32064 39819 63176 34675 24388 72277 40273 28146 65560 26411 28253 44029 51559 43786 44028
  Sichuan        37330 26476 42399 33210 45953 27500 43533 46954 33453 26691 61242 35298 38967 63235 24661 29688 39139 45922 36944 39555
  Guizhou        36102 23923 40914 35200 53096 32384 37864 45841 34528 23211 75169 28038 26900 34906 25628 26772 34678 33803 29999 33992
  Yunnan         34004 19612 33926 32923 48055 25233 44111 42088 31423 19476 76946 28992 27481 42284 23632 22660 36318 35618 32058 34402
  Tibet          49464 19685 43848 29796 50468 26048 48627 56135 40138 25857 91919 46730 42064 58791 29369 52616 54564 46421 55133 50336
  Shaanxi        38143 28159 52368 33385 47667 28993 41233 43008 27794 21626 53289 31770 30804 56784 26283 24562 42176 40075 33425 37033
  Gansu          32092 20409 54103 36312 35797 25334 37272 25181 23676 19653 38163 26660 23143 34475 24072 22916 31635 28579 28503 29806
  Qinghai        41370 30407 45311 35208 45168 32352 50252 47356 30059 21874 54446 26309 46007 55466 31582 35573 49848 41696 42506 46408
  Ningxia        42703 24563 78338 35503 65983 29065 40967 52173 33774 22922 62587 33348 30143 46198 32260 25688 40455 35707 42154 37427
  Xinjiang       38238 22678 63085 39883 50591 35558 53243 48034 40300 28136 59732 31948 27185 45501 28561 30968 40697 38552 38062 39862