4-11  Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
Average Wage  (yuan) Indices of Average Wage(preceding year=100) Indices of Average Real Wage(preceding year=100)
Total   State- Urban Units of Total   State- Urban Units of Total   State- Urban Units of
  Staff and owned Collective- Other   Staff and owned Collective- Other   Staff and owned Collective- Other
  Workers Units owned Types of   Workers Units owned Types of   Workers Units owned Types of
      Units Ownership       Units Ownership       Units Ownership
1995 5348 5500 5553 3934 7728 118.9 121.2 117.3 121.1 119.9 101.8 103.8 100.4 103.7 102.6
1996 5980 6210 6207 4312 8521 111.8 112.9 111.8 109.6 110.3 102.8 103.8 102.7 100.7 101.3
1997 6444 6470 6679 4516 9092 107.8 104.2 107.6 104.7 106.7 104.5 101.1 104.4 101.6 103.5
1998 7446 7479 7579 5314 9241 115.5 106.6 113.5 117.7 101.6 116.2 107.2 114.2 118.4 102.3
1999 8319 8346 8443 5758 10142 111.7 111.6 111.4 108.4 109.8 113.2 113.1 112.9 109.8 111.2
2000 9333 9371 9441 6241 11238 112.2 112.3 111.8 108.4 110.8 111.3 111.4 110.9 107.5 109.9
2001 10834 10870 11045 6851 12437 116.1 116.0 117.0 109.8 110.7 115.3 115.2 116.2 109.0 109.9
2002 12373 12422 12701 7636 13486 114.2 114.3 115.0 111.5 108.4 115.4 115.5 116.2 112.6 109.5
2003 13969 14040 14358 8627 14843 112.9 113.0 113.0 113.0 110.1 111.9 112.0 112.0 112.0 109.1
2004 15920 16024 16445 9723 16519 114.0 114.1 114.5 112.7 111.3 110.3 110.5 110.9 109.1 107.7
2005 18200 18364 18978 11176 18362 114.3 114.6 115.4 114.9 111.2 112.5 112.8 113.6 113.1 109.4
2006 20856 21001 21706 12866 21004 114.6 114.4 114.4 115.1 114.4 112.9 112.7 112.7 113.4 112.7
2007 24721 24932 26100 15444 24271 118.5 118.7 120.2 120.0 115.6 113.4 113.6 115.0 114.8 110.6
2008 28898 29229 30287 18103 28552 116.9 117.2 116.0 117.2 117.6 110.7 111.0 109.8 111.0 111.4
2009 32244 32736 34130 20607 31350 111.6 112.0 112.7 113.8 109.8 112.6 113.0 113.7 114.8 110.8
2010 36539 37147 38359 24010 35801 113.3 113.5 112.4 116.5 114.2 109.8 110.0 108.9 112.9 110.7
2011 41799 42452 43483 28791 41323 114.4 114.3 113.4 119.9 115.4 108.6 108.5 107.7 113.9 109.6
  Beijing        75482 75834 78270 32574 76251 115.8 115.5 116.1 122.1 115.1 110.0 109.6 110.3 116.0 109.3
  Tianjin        55658 56477 64153 35213 52489 108.1 106.6 113.3 93.4 108.1 102.7 101.3 107.6 88.7 102.7
  Hebei          35309 35973 35872 24788 35575 112.3 111.4 112.2 113.6 111.3 106.6 105.7 106.5 107.9 105.7
  Shanxi         39230 39903 36542 27038 45992 118.7 119.0 111.9 125.3 128.2 112.7 113.0 106.2 119.0 121.8
  Inner Mongolia 41118 41481 43788 37382 36317 116.8 116.8 117.5 127.6 116.1 110.9 110.9 111.6 121.2 110.3
  Liaoning       38154 38713 39910 23845 38116 110.8 110.4 112.4 119.8 108.3 105.2 104.9 106.7 113.8 102.9
  Jilin          33610 34197 34230 25252 33366 115.9 116.3 113.8 149.6 115.6 110.1 110.5 108.1 142.1 109.7
  Heilongjiang   31302 33503 31693 24712 31200 112.9 113.2 111.7 126.1 113.6 107.2 107.5 106.1 119.8 107.9
  Shanghai       75591 77031 83519 51422 72935 114.3 107.2 116.2 125.1 114.8 108.6 101.8 110.3 118.8 109.0
  Jiangsu        45487 45987 55522 36085 40126 114.4 113.5 112.0 119.2 117.1 108.6 107.8 106.4 113.2 111.2
  Zhejiang       45162 45780 67781 41039 38504 111.1 110.3 108.7 115.1 115.0 105.5 104.7 103.2 109.3 109.2
  Anhui          39352 40640 39287 29539 40445 118.0 118.3 116.3 123.8 119.4 112.1 112.4 110.4 117.5 113.4
  Fujian         38588 38989 46846 33760 35568 119.3 119.4 116.9 126.7 122.7 113.3 113.4 111.0 120.3 116.6
  Jiangxi        33239 34102 35597 24403 30984 117.2 117.2 118.5 136.3 119.0 111.3 111.3 112.6 129.5 113.0
  Shandong       37618 37992 43469 29683 33931 112.9 112.6 112.9 115.8 115.7 107.2 107.0 107.3 110.0 109.9
  Henan          33634 34203 35386 24220 33054 112.8 112.9 112.4 118.8 112.9 107.1 107.2 106.8 112.8 107.2
  Hubei          36128 37134 39104 26536 33568 113.6 113.9 111.6 110.8 118.8 107.9 108.2 106.0 105.2 112.8
  Hunan          34586 35520 35626 26066 34374 116.6 116.5 111.7 120.7 123.5 110.7 110.7 106.1 114.6 117.2
  Guangdong      45060 45152 53976 25573 41651 111.4 111.9 110.1 113.9 113.2 105.8 106.2 104.6 108.2 107.5
  Guangxi        33032 34064 34886 22123 31449 107.7 107.0 107.1 102.7 111.7 102.3 101.6 101.7 97.6 106.1
  Hainan         36244 36716 37562 24862 35165 117.8 118.3 118.9 121.7 115.1 111.8 112.4 112.9 115.5 109.3
  Chongqing      39430 40042 43617 28078 37206 113.5 113.3 117.3 117.9 112.0 107.8 107.6 111.4 112.0 106.4
  Sichuan        37330 37924 42048 28342 31575 114.6 114.5 114.5 120.9 116.6 108.9 108.8 108.7 114.8 110.7
  Guizhou        36102 37331 37359 30894 33314 118.6 118.7 118.7 128.4 116.8 112.7 112.7 112.7 121.9 110.9
  Yunnan         34004 35031 38684 32102 27932 116.5 116.1 116.7 132.6 120.1 110.6 110.2 110.9 125.9 114.1
  Tibet          49464 55845 50770 15163 35405 99.1 102.7 98.7 93.6 105.2 94.1 97.5 93.8 88.9 99.9
  Shaanxi        38143 39043 40349 26670 34591 114.3 113.8 116.9 130.7 106.6 108.5 108.1 111.0 124.2 101.2
  Gansu          32092 32724 32366 27826 31869 110.3 110.6 108.3 126.0 116.4 104.7 105.0 102.8 119.7 110.6
  Qinghai        41370 42493 46936 23745 30327 114.5 114.3 113.3 117.0 130.9 108.8 108.5 107.6 111.1 124.3
  Ningxia        42703 44574 41217 37143 45402 114.9 113.9 116.7 97.4 113.1 109.1 108.1 110.8 92.5 107.4
  Xinjiang       38238 38820 36309 38944 42184 119.5 120.0 117.1 124.6 122.4 113.5 113.9 111.2 118.4 116.2
a) Average wage of employed persons in urban units from 1995 to 2008 referred to average earning of employed persons in urban units. The same 
    applies to the related tables following.