2-17  Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Approach
Data in value terms in this table are calculated at current prices.
Year Gross Domestic   Final Capital
Product by Final Gross Net Exports Consumption Formation
Expenditure Approach Consumption Capital of Goods and Rate Rate
(100 million yuan) Expenditures Formation Services (%) (%)
1978 3605.6 2239.1 1377.9 -11.4 62.1 38.2
1979 4092.6 2633.7 1478.9 -20.0 64.4 36.1
1980 4592.9 3007.9 1599.7 -14.7 65.5 34.8
1981 5008.8 3361.5 1630.2 17.1 67.1 32.5
1982 5590.0 3714.8 1784.2 91.0 66.5 31.9
1983 6216.2 4126.4 2039.0 50.8 66.4 32.8
1984 7362.7 4846.3 2515.1 1.3 65.8 34.2
1985 9076.7 5986.3 3457.5 -367.1 66.0 38.1
1986 10508.5 6821.8 3941.9 -255.2 64.9 37.5
1987 12277.4 7804.6 4462.0 10.8 63.6 36.3
1988 15388.6 9839.5 5700.2 -151.1 63.9 37.0
1989 17311.3 11164.2 6332.7 -185.6 64.5 36.6
1990 19347.8 12090.5 6747.0 510.3 62.5 34.9
1991 22577.4 14091.9 7868.0 617.5 62.4 34.8
1992 27565.2 17203.3 10086.3 275.6 62.4 36.6
1993 36938.1 21899.9 15717.7 -679.5 59.3 42.6
1994 50217.4 29242.2 20341.1 634.1 58.2 40.5
1995 63216.9 36748.2 25470.1 998.6 58.1 40.3
1996 74163.6 43919.5 28784.9 1459.2 59.2 38.8
1997 81658.5 48140.6 29968.0 3549.9 59.0 36.7
1998 86531.6 51588.2 31314.2 3629.2 59.6 36.2
1999 91125.0 55636.9 32951.5 2536.6 61.1 36.2
2000 98749.0 61516.0 34842.8 2390.2 62.3 35.3
2001 109028.0 66933.9 39769.4 2324.7 61.4 36.5
2002 120475.6 71816.5 45565.0 3094.1 59.6 37.8
2003 136613.4 77685.5 55963.0 2964.9 56.9 41.0
2004 160956.6 87552.6 69168.4 4235.6 54.4 43.0
2005 187423.5 99357.5 77856.8 10209.1 53.0 41.5
2006 222712.5 113103.8 92954.1 16654.6 50.8 41.7
2007 266599.2 132232.9 110943.2 23423.1 49.6 41.6
2008 315974.6 153422.5 138325.3 24226.8 48.6 43.8
2009 348775.1 169274.8 164463.2 15037.1 48.5 47.2
2010 402816.5 194115.0 193603.9 15097.6 48.2 48.1
2011 465731.3 228561.3 225006.7 12163.3 49.1 48.3
a) Capital formation rate refers to gross capital formation as percentage of gross domestic product by expenditure approach, final consumption 
    rate refers to final consumption expenditures as percentage of gross domestic product by expenditure approach.
b) Data are preliminary data in 2011. The same applies to this table to table 2-21.