2-3  Gross Domestic Product at Constant Prices
(100 million yuan)
Domestic Primary Secondary Industry Construction Tertiary
Product Industry Industry     Industry
  Price Base Year=1970
1978 3548.2 936.0 1766.2 1644.8 121.4 846.0
1979 3816.9 993.5 1911.0 1787.2 123.8 912.4
1980 4116.2 978.7 2170.3 2013.4 156.9 967.2
  Price Base Year=1980
1980 4567.9 1371.6 2213.4 2017.9 195.5 982.9
1981 4807.4 1467.4 2254.7 2053.0 201.7 1085.3
1982 5242.8 1636.5 2380.1 2171.5 208.6 1226.2
1983 5811.8 1772.8 2626.8 2382.6 244.2 1412.2
1984 6693.8 2001.1 3007.2 2736.5 270.7 1685.5
1985 7595.2 2038.0 3565.6 3234.8 330.8 1991.6
1986 8267.1 2105.7 3930.0 3546.7 383.3 2231.4
1987 9224.7 2204.7 4468.2 4016.4 451.8 2551.8
1988 10265.3 2260.8 5116.9 4629.0 487.9 2887.6
1989 10682.4 2330.3 5309.7 4863.0 446.7 3042.4
1990 11092.5 2501.1 5478.0 5026.0 452.0 3113.4
  Price Base Year=1990
1990 18547.9 5062.0 7717.4 6858.0 859.4 5768.5
1991 20250.4 5183.5 8786.6 7845.0 941.6 6280.3
1992 23134.2 5427.1 10645.3 9505.7 1139.6 7061.8
1993 26364.7 5682.3 12760.1 11415.4 1344.7 7922.3
1994 29813.4 5909.6 15102.8 13574.2 1528.6 8801.0
1995 33070.5 6205.2 17198.4 15480.3 1718.1 9667.0
1996 36380.4 6521.7 19280.5 17416.2 1864.3 10578.2
1997 39762.7 6749.9 21300.9 19387.8 1913.1 11711.9
1998 42877.4 6986.1 23198.9 21113.3 2085.6 12692.4
1999 46144.6 7181.7 25086.3 22911.4 2174.9 13876.6
2000 50035.2 7354.1 27451.7 25153.5 2298.2 15229.4
  Price Base Year=2000
2000 99214.6 14944.7 45555.9 40033.6 5522.3 38714.0
2001 107449.7 15363.2 49401.5 43504.6 5896.9 42685.0
2002 117208.3 15808.7 54257.3 47842.2 6415.1 47142.3
2003 128958.9 16203.9 61132.7 53942.5 7190.2 51622.2
2004 141964.5 17224.8 67926.1 60151.3 7774.8 56813.6
2005 158020.7 18125.8 76133.1 67114.7 9018.4 63761.8
  Price Base Year=2005
2005 184937.4 22420.0 87598.1 77230.8 10367.3 74919.3
2006 208381.0 23541.0 99328.5 87175.1 12153.4 85511.6
2007 237892.8 24422.4 114290.6 100170.1 14120.5 99179.7
2008 260812.9 25735.9 125579.7 110117.4 15462.2 109497.4
2009 284844.8 26812.6 138062.7 119731.4 18331.3 119969.4
2010 314602.5 27957.8 154975.8 134175.5 20800.3 131668.9
a) There are two figures at the base switching year, one at the former base year prices, another at the latter.
b) Please refer to the brief introduction for the defination of gross domestic product at constant prices.