APPENDIX 1-23 Principal Financial Indicators
Year Money Supply Liquid Reserve Money Deposits Loans and Rediscount Exchange
M1 (NT $100 Liabilities (NT $100 (NT $100 Investments Rate Rates of
million) (NT $100 million) million) (NT $100 (% annual) Selling
  million)     million)   (NT $/USD)
2003 65528 273807 16194 217469 165351 1.38 34.02
2004 73680 299984 17177 232565 179640 1.75 31.78
2005 78711 325466 17585 247095 193602 2.25 32.88
2006 82226 351722 18832 259420 201539 2.75 32.65
2007 82200 370012 19475 262088 206269 3.38 32.49
2008 81537 389321 21254 279779 213315 2.00 32.91
2009 105116 417768 23040 295559 214906 1.25 32.08
2010 114571 445919 25018 310880 228212 1.63 30.42
Note: Data of bond fund are included.