APPENDIX 1-13 Railway and Highway Passenger and Freight Traffic
Year Railway Highway
Passenger Passenger Freight Freight Passenger Passenger Freight Freight
Traffic Kilometres Traffic Ton-kilometres Traffic Kilometres Traffic Ton-kilometres
(10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000
persons) p-km) tons) ton-km) persons) p-km) tons) ton-km)
2003 47800 1117800 1670 86400 99200 1474400 51300 2873500
2004 52000 1205100 1700 90900 101900 1577800 54900 3102900
2005 53100 1225500 1930 98200 101300 1610000 56200 3121000
2006 55400 1235200 1910 99700 101400 1638600 59400 3121800
2007 60300 1576900 1740 89000 102100 1597900 61800 3054700
2008 69000 1906600 1660 93300 105400 1578300 60400 3016000
2009 71900 1927700 1410 77600 103900 1588200 59700 2907100
2010 77900 2093100 1510 87300 104500 1584300 62800 2963200