APPENDIX 1-2 Main Indicators of Area and Population
Source: Monthly Statistics Bulletin, Taiwan Province. The same applies in the following tables.
Item 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Area                               (10 000 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
Year-end Population   (10 000 persons) 2287.7 2295.8 2303.7 2312.0 2316.2
    Male                                                    1159.2 1160.9 1162.6 1163.7 1163.5
    Female                                                1128.5 1135.0 1141.1 1148.3 1152.7
Crude Birth Rate                             (‰) 8.96 8.92 8.64 8.29 7.21
Crude Death Rate                            (‰) 5.95 6.16 6.25 6.22 6.30
Natural Population Growth Rate     (‰) 3.01 2.76 2.40 2.07 0.91
Fertility Rate                                  (‰) 33 32 31 31 27
Marriage Rate    (couple/1000 persons) 6.25 5.89 6.73 5.07 6.00
Divorce Rate      (couple/1000 persons) 2.83 2.55 2.43 2.48 2.51
Life Expectancy at Birth        (year old)
    Male                                                    74.86 75.46 75.59 75.88
    Female                                                80.41 81.72 81.94 82.46
Age-specific Distribution                (%)
     0-14                                                    18.12 17.56 16.95 16.34 15.65
    15-64                                                  71.88 72.24 72.62 73.03 73.61
    65 and Over                                        10.00 10.21 10.43 10.63 10.74
Sex Ratio                          (female=100) 102.72 102.28 101.89 101.34 100.94
Population Density       (persons/ 632.2 634.4 636.6 638.8 640.0