24-37 Visitor Arrivals by Country/Territory of Residence
(10 000 person-times)
Country/Territory of residence 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
The mainland of China 1359.1 1548.6 1686.2 1795.7 2268.4
South and Southeast Asia 266.0 288.8 293.6 288.5 350.1
Taiwan, China 217.7 223.9 224.0 201.0 216.5
North Asia 203.0 220.1 222.9 182.3 220.8
Europe, Africa and the Middle East 191.7 218.9 209.4 196.9 217.4
The Americas 163.1 178.4 168.5 156.8 175.0
Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific 66.8 75.7 76.3 70.8 76.9
Macao, China 57.8 62.6 69.7 67.1 78.0
Total 2525.1 2816.9 2950.7 2959.1 3603.0
  (+8.1) (+11.6) (+4.7) (+0.3) (+21.8)
Note : Figures in brackets refer to percentage changes over the preceding year.