24-33 Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
(HKD 100 million)
Major Investor
Inward Direct Investment at Market Value
Position at End of Year Inflow in Year
2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009
The mainland of China 37374 23114 26445 1042 1797 1923
British Virgin Islands 33585 20407 23531 1093 1105 1265
Netherlands 5305 4138 4964 380 386 484
Bermuda 3832 3586 4524 277 169 589
United States of America 2786 2476 3156 358 141 -164
Japan 1647 1647 1678 143 83 97
Cayman Islands 1115 1088 1447 109 38 8
United Kingdom 1345 1163 1267 230 130 157
Singapore 1055 1081 1139 164 94 90
Cook Islands 322 556 673 8 75 1
Others 3500 4002 3796 436 625 -388
Total 91865 63258 72621 4239 4643 4061
Note : Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy.  It does not necessarily reflect the country/territory in which the funds are initially mobilised.