24-15 Gross National Product |
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified) |
Item |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010@ |
In Chained (2009) dollars① |
15313 |
16291 |
16667 |
16223 |
17354 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
277 |
449 |
822 |
429 |
362 |
15592 |
16745 |
17491 |
16652 |
17716 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD) |
223309 |
235217 |
238856 |
231638 |
245536 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD) |
227390 |
241773 |
250663 |
237758 |
250659 |
At Current Market Prices |
14754 |
16156 |
16770 |
16223 |
17439 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
273 |
444 |
833 |
429 |
366 |
15027 |
16600 |
17603 |
16652 |
17804 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD) |
215158 |
233266 |
240339 |
231638 |
246733 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD) |
219146 |
239682 |
252278 |
237758 |
251907 |
Note : ①The chain volume measures of GDP,
Net External Factor Income Flows and GNP have been re-referenced from 2008 to
2009. A technical |
feature of the chain volume measures was that for earlier years, the
sum of net external factor income flows and GDP might not be equal to GNP. |