24-10 Wage Indices for Employees up to Supervisory Level
(Managerial and Professional Employees Are Not Included) by Industry
(September 1992 = 100)
Industry   Wage Index
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Nominal Wage Index
Manufacturing 148.5 153.8 158.8 155.6 155.2
Import/Export, Wholesale and Retail Trades 158.3 161.5 169.6 166.6 170.9
Transportation 146.1 148.9 153.5 151.8 153.4
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 127.9 129.2 134.5 130.2 133.3
Financial and Insurance Activities 167.3 167.9 178.1 173.5 178.7
Real Estate Leasing and Maintenance Management 155.5 158.1 164.8 163.1 166.8
Professional and Business Services 140.3 147.3 154.8 155.0 159.8
Personal Services 169.8 189.5 192.2 185.6 190.9
All Selected Industries① 149.8 153.5 160.5 157.5 161.3
Real Wage Index
Manufacturing 114.9 117.8 122.1 118.7 117.1
Import/Export, Wholesale and Retail Trades 122.5 123.7 130.3 127.1 129.0
Transportation 113.1 114.1 118.0 115.8 115.8
Accommodation and Food Service Activities 99.0 99.0 103.4 99.3 100.6
Financial and Insurance Activities 129.5 128.6 136.9 132.4 134.9
Real Estate Leasing and Maintenance Management 120.3 121.2 126.6 124.4 125.9
Professional and Business Services 108.6 112.9 119.0 118.2 120.6
Personal Services 131.4 145.2 147.7 141.6 144.1
All Selected Industries① 115.9 117.6 123.4 120.2 121.7
Notes : Figures refer to September of the year.  Wages statistics are compiled based on the Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification(HSIC) Version 2.0.
            Figures refer to all industries covered by the wage enquiry of the Labour Earnings Survey, including the electricity and gas supply industry, 
                sewerage and waste management activities industry and publishing activities industry.
            The Real Wage Indices are derived by deflating the Nominal Wage Indices by the 2009/10-based Consumer Price Index (A).