23-32  Basic Statistics on the Work for Persons with Disabilities
Item 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
    Rehabilitation of Persons with Visual Disability
        Sight-restoring Surgeries for Cataract Patients(10 000 cases) 70.6 80.0 88.8 104.3 79.9
            Free Surgeries for Poor Cataract Patients 14.9 23.0 25.1 37.3 27.3
         Persons with Low-vision Fitted withVision-aids     (person) 32298 31607 34803 40501 33467
         Blind Persons Receiving Oriention Skill Training     (person) 6815 12224 12936 15034 16157
    Rehabilitation of Persons with Hearing and Speech Disability
        Deaf Children Trained                                              (person) 19444 19869 20122 19830 18809
        Parents Trained                                                         (person) 22322 26737 24314 25654 22924
    Rehabilitation of Persons with Physical Disability      (person)
        Persons with Physical Disability  Receiving Rehabilitation  53903 75947 80468 90588 114939
            Training in Communities and Families
        Children with Physical Disability Receiving Rehabilitation  13674 12239 15690 15058 21375
            Training in Institutions
    Orthopedic Surgeries Conducted for Persons with Leprosy
             -induced Disability                                                   (case) 1692 3964 1034 1166 668
    Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disability  (person)
        Children with Intellectual Disability Receiving  25657 26084 26887 26748 26731
           Rehabilitation Training
        Parents Trained 18192 17263 20385 19950 21070
    Prevention and Rehabilitation of Mental Illness (PRMI)
        Counties/cities/districts Where PRMI Have Been Conducted   1294 1555 1644 1727 1818
        People with Mental Illness under Guardianship 307.2 363.4 383.8 412.8 416.2
                                                                             (10 000 persons)
        Guardianship Rate                                                           (%) 88.1 83.8 86.4 84.2 84.0
        Significant Improvement Rate                                         (%) 71.1 69.3 70.0 69.5 68.4
        Social Involvement Rate                                                  (%) 59.5 56.1 56.9 55.4 54.5
        Violent Events Rate                                                         (%) 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3
        Children with Autism Trained in Institutions           (person) 750 1056 1027 5290 5620
Provision of Assistive Devices
    Assistive Devices Free of Charge                      (10 000 pieces) 29.5 37.9 52.9 59.8 62.3
    Low-cost Artificial Limbs Fitted                                      (case) 16170 23339 26438 25029 30283
    Orthotic Devices Fitted                                                  (case) 15029 12689 11950 11425 26189
Education                                                                      (person)
    School-age Disabled Children Unable to Enter School 22.3 22.7 22.0 21.1 14.6
                                                                            (10 000 persons)
    Students at Special Education Senior High Schools 4192 4978 5464 6339 6067
    Students at Secondary Vocational Schools for PWDs 8691 9028 9932 11448 11506
    Disable Students Admitted to Higher Education Institutions  5134 6320 7305 7782 8731
    Employed Disabled Persons
        Newly Employed in the Year                     (10 000 persons) 36.2 39.2 36.8 35.0 32.4
            Employed by Quota Scheme 9.9 11.5 9.9 8.9 8.6
            Employed in Collective Form 10.3 11.9 11.3 10.5 10.2
            Self-employed or Employed in Other Forms 16.0 15.8 15.6 15.6 13.7
    Employment Service Institutions for PWDs                   (unit) 3076 3127 3127 3043 3019
Social Security                                                (10 000 persons)
    Urban Workers with Disabilities Covered by Social Insurance 240.1 260.8 297.6 287.6 283.2
    Rural PWDs Covered by New Types of Cooperative Medical  2449.4 2823.9
    PWDs Covered by the Basic Living Allowance System 487.9 635.9 738.6 853.6 927.1
Poverty Alleviation
 Outcome of Poverty Alleviation                (10 000 person-times)
     Impoverished PWDs Assisted             176.7 179.4 179.8 192.3 204.0
     Training on Applied Technologies for PWDs 80.8 77.0 87.0 84.0 85.5
 House Renovation for Poor PWDs in Rural Areas
     House Renovation for Poor PWDs           (10 000 households) 5.3 12.2 9.8 10.2 11.8
     PWDs Benefited                                             (10 000 persons) 8.9 16.7 14.0 14.0 14.5
Organization of Disabled Persons' Federations
    Actual staff of Disabled Persons' Federations  (10 000 persons) 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.9
a) According to the Second China National Sample Survey on Disability in 2006, it is estimated that there are 82.96 million persons with different 
    types of disabilities in China.