23-28  First Trial Civil Cases of Marriage, Family Affairs and Inheritance Accepted and Settled by Courts (2010)
Cases Cases Mediation Judgment Reject With- Other
Accepted Settled       drawal  
  Total 1423180 1428340 698900 387185 5716 326353 10186
  Marriage and Family Affairs 1374136 1379463 673749 373883 5225 316979 9627
      Divorce 1164521 1168810 567374 321316 4028 268793 7299
      Support Disputes 26648 26704 11237 6838 104 8200 325
      Upbringing Disputes 50499 50547 31082 9584 217 9346 318
      Upbringing Fee Disputes 24020 24269 11502 6902 116 5499 250
      Others 108448 109133 52554 29243 760 25141 1435
  Inheritance 49044 48877 25151 13302 491 9374 559
      Legal Inheritance 28439 28285 15935 6861 218 4998 273
      Testament Inheritance 4054 4076 1790 1439 43 754 50
      Others 16551 16516 7426 5002 230 3622 236