23-19  Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate(2010)
Category of Cases        
Cases Cases Registered Cases Original
Accepted for Reinves- Settled Decision
  tigation   Changed
  Total 13586 10701 10948 977
  Appeals against Decision of Procuratorate's Offices 6583 5598 5824 968
     Appeals against Rejection of Arrest 1943 1735 1754 167
     Appeals against Rejection of Prosecuting 2846 2573 2704 229
     Appeals against Withdrawal of the Case 86 75 79 19
     Appeals against Original Exemption of Lawsuit 108 87 95 17
     Others 1600 1128 1192 536
  Appeals against Judgment of Criminal Case 7003 5103 5124 9
     Appeals of the Victim at the Punishment 2540 1902 1886 5
     Appeals of the Defendant at the Punishment 2376 1702 1720 2
     Appeals of the Victim after the Punishment 605 453 451 1
     Appeals of the Defendant after the Punishment 1482 1046 1067 1