22-5  Basic Statistics on National Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers(Stations) (2010)
Item Total            
Provin-   County   Township  
cial Prefec- (City) County (sub- Township
Level ture Level Cultural district) Cultural
  Level   Center Cultural Stations
Institutions                                             (unit) 43382 31 343 2890 1666 40118 34121
Number of Employed Persons            (person) 141002 1698 9422 40040 21338 89842 73920
Number of Exhibitions                          (unit) 117353 269 2331 15516 8425 99237 76273
Art Performances and Story-telling                 576799 1259 17898 118875 52583 438767 304927
Sessions                                                 (time)
Books Collected                        (1000 copies) 161392 137 289 4100 1595 156866 115031
Number of Training Courses                (time) 358719 2570 16455 71898 24667 267796 152825
Person-times Trained    (1 000 person-times) 18056 62 878 3358 1368 13758 9277
Number of Theoretical Lectures           (time) 12192 460 1372 10360 4696
   Computer Owned                               (unit) 115269 1130 4473 13657 5433 96009 71137
Revenue this Year             (100 million yuan) 94.4 3.8 10.8 31.2 12.3 48.6 37.8
Expenditure this Year       (100 million yuan) 93.2 4.2 10.5 30.2 11.8 48.3 37.3
Mobile Stage Truck                               (unit) 258 7 30 221 135
Performances by Mobile                                  10524 535 1223 8766 5103
 Stage Truck                                          (time)
Spectators of Performance by                          12552 124 1361 11067 6330
  Mobile Stage Truck      (1000 person-times)
Art Performance Troupes Run by Centers (unit) 5590 85 760 4745 2166
Number of Art Performances Run by Centers (time) 73854 911 9563 63380 31751
Aging College Run by Centers            (unit)                783 9 88 686 417
Part-time Art Troupes                         (unit)                      304505 88 6863 74986 33907 222568 155806